How to Win with Brucey B Slots by Amanda

Now, I know that Brucey B Slots is a game of chance. However, they’re generous enough that you can make money, in the end, if you’re smart and careful. I’m always able to make enough to save, but it does take a little bit of work.

First, you need seed money. Money to play with. At least 4,000np, which is no problem if you have a few games that you’re very good at. I usually play with 10,000np, but that’s just me. You need a least 4,000 so that you won’t run out of money before you start winning. Now, make a note of how much you’re starting with, and go play. Note: You’re not looking for the jackpot. You can hope for it, but don’t hope TOO much 🙂

Once you have your seed money, it’s easy. -Always- make the maximum bet, this will get you the maximum return on your money. Every time your amount of np goes above the amount you started with, even if it’s just a single np, put it in the bank. You do not touch your bank account. You play games to make your starting money. And make sure that your pets are properly fed when you do play, I’ve noticed that it makes a big difference in how much I win.

This works very well for me. The first day I began doing this, I started with 4,000 and ended up with 40,000 in the bank. Good luck!

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