How to Become a Neopets Expert in 10 Minutes by Abukoster


Everyone knows there aren’t any secrets to making neopoints. Apart from that, most guides can probably guarantee you as well as I can on how to make them. Most tell you to play game A or game B, and then you have to check out the Pink Poogle Toy Games section to find out how to play game A or game B. Apart from games, there are a LOT more methods to making neopoints, and all will be mentioned below. Some are tedious, some require gambling and some just take too long – All in all, you’ll still make neopoints fastest with this guide!


Here are the BEST and MAIN games I play everyday to ensure I get these neopoint-giveaways. They can be quite challenging, too, so I have fun playing them at the same time. But seriously, the games below require only eye-hand coordination or basically brain power. Try to play ALL of the below games everyday because, as I said, all it requires is a bit of thinking and pushing some buttons on your keyboard! Play them everyday, and you can definitely reach the higher borderline range of neopoints everyday.

In-depth explanations on how to play the games to earn the aimed neopoints are also included below. The maximum time it should take you to complete all the games below is one hour.

  • Method: Featured Game (Double NP)
  • Score to send at: N/A
  • NP Made: 600-1000 NP *3
  • Final Amount: 1800-3000 NP

Game Instructions: Basically just play whatever game is featured and get at least 300 NP per play – It’s pretty easy to get 300 NP per play.

  • Method: Meerca Chase II
  • Score to send at: 350-450
  • NP Made: 420-540 NP *3
  • Final Amount: 1260-1620 NP

Game Instructions: Play the Freestyle (10NP/Negg) version. After about 10 deaths, you should get used to it. Basically imagine it like a car, you turn left and the Meerca also turns left; vice versa. Stay away from the walls unless you have to get up close to get a Negg. The best way to do this is to hold the left or right button to keep you moving in a circle (unless you are too long); next let go of the button for a fraction of a second and then hold it again – notice how the circle has moved in a direction only slightly? Use this method for best survival. Keep retrying until you can get roughly 350+ points. How do you get such a high score? Retry and play until you die – You will be BOUND to get colored neggs that give more points.

  • Method: Volcano Run
  • Score to send at: 1000+
  • NP Made: 333+ NP *3
  • Final Amount: 999 NP +

Game Instructions: This game has got to be the easiest. Just be able to click rapidly to keep on a constant height in the air. If you want to go higher, hold the mouse button down, and to descend, let go. Don’t get the bluish crystals if you can avoid them – Survival gains you much more points.

  • Method: Kiko Match II
  • Score to send at: 250-350
  • NP Made: 500-700 NP *3
  • Final Amount: 1500-2100 NP

Game Instructions: Everyone knows about this game, and I’ll repeat it on my guide. To ensure you don’t bore yourself to death, get up to round 9 or 10, and then just click End Game. This is to ensure you don’t waste any time doing this. Seriously, you get at least 500 NP if you’re at Level 9 and you end the game.

  • Method: 200m Peanut Dash
  • Score to send at: 700-1000
  • NP Made: 525-750 NP *3
  • Final Amount: 1575-2250 NP

Game Instructions: Mash the left and right buttons until you reach a full bar. Keep mashing, and when you have the full bar, slam the up button as fast as you can. Ensure you get the FURTHEST distance in the launch. Always go for the double-front or double-back flip. It gives the most points, and it’s not too hard to time. Keep your position in the middle of the screen so you can judge when to make the jump. A perfect game is to get 200m, jumping all the logs and catching the peanut – Aim for this if you want the best reward!

  • Method: Destruct-O-Match II
  • Score to send at: 1500-2000
  • NP Made: 450-600 NP *3
  • Final Amount: 1350-1800 NP

Game Instructions: Play Normal mode, and clear up the bricks. What I like to do is leave bricks of a single color last in order to get a ton of points in a single click. Always leave the bomb-block for last; make sure you get the timed-block; remove all of the expanding-block colored ones before expanding (this is the one that removes all of the blocks of the same color); and get as many blocks combined with the 3x multiplier-block before blowing them up.

Total: 8484-10770 NP

Stock Market

I’ll get straight to the point. Buy shares at 15 NP. Keep them UNTIL they increase (hopefully double – 30 NP). Never sell them at a decreased value. The Stock Market is a great way to make money once you’re rich enough to spend a lot on stocks. However, towards the beginning, it can be depressing watching your stocks go down. There’s not much to explain because once you start buying stocks, you should already have been a much more experienced player and understand the importance of the Stock Market when it comes to neopoint-making.

Daily Freebies

  • Coltzan’s Shring
  • The Neopets Fruit Machine
  • The Meridell Rubbish Dump
  • Turmaculus
  • Grumpy Old King
  • Giant Omelette
  • Tiki Tack Tombola
  • The Snowager (6-7 a.m., 2-3 p.m., and 10-11 p.m NST)
  • The Advent Calendar (December only)
  • Potato Counter
  • Wise Old King
  • Symol Hole
  • Guess the Weight
  • Lost Tomb of Geraptiku
  • Underwater Fishing
  • Free Jelly
  • The Healing Springs

Monthly Freebies

  • Monthly 2,000 NPs and Food

Gambling Dailies

  • The Wheel of Excitement – Always, ALWAYS try your luck here
  • The Wheel of Knowledge
  • The Wheel of Mediocrity
  • The Wheel of Monotony
  • The Wheel of Misfortune
  • Buried Treasure
  • Test Your Strength


It’s a simple game of buying and selling. All experienced Neopians do it, and so should you. Learn to buy smart for reselling purposes. Always check the Shop Wizard to determine if you can buy cheaper than you can sell.

Obtaining Items

There are many ways you can obtain items for reselling purposes. Make sure you’ve checked the following:

Auctions (you can get great bargains here, check the auctions almost over, compare the price on the shop wizard to the price that you can bid)

Trading Post (although it’s harder to find cheap items here, once you reach your first million, things get much easier – Why? Because expensive items like Paint Brushes and such start to have variable value. Trade for the CHEAPEST price of an item and then sell it for the AVERAGE price on the market.)

User Shops (the best way, why? Because of human mistakes. Leave a window open and keep it searching for something like “Codestone” or “Bottled Faerie” hitting F5 every now and then. If you see something under-priced by roughly 10% or more of its actual value, BUY IT.)

Neopia Shops (if you have a fast internet connection, keep refreshing at a chosen shop for new stock. Ensure you have a list of items you know can be bought cheaper from that chosen shop than you can sell for more. However, a lot of users on Neopia use automated programs which can make it hard for normal users like us to buy the items before them. It’s a race, thus you need a fast internet connection!) Chocolates and books are good reselling items.

Participation (if there are contests or jobs that your guild offers you with a worthy salary, I say sign-up! The best way to receive is always to give. Guilds have the best offers nowadays, lucky-draws and giveaways. Just be active, you have nothing to lose, right?)

Selling Items

Do a search on the wizard to check the lowest selling price of the item you are pricing, and price it cheaper by 100 NP or so (decide for yourself). Common sense will tell you that you just need to make a reasonable amount of neopoints so you have to price it reasonably HIGHER than how much you purchased it for.

Increase in Value

If you are in the mode of neopoint-making, always sell items you find in random events (codestones, faeries, etc.) unless you know about the increase in value that might occur. How do you know if an item is about to increase in value? Check the Neopian Times, or anywhere on Neopets, for hints on if a war is coming or not. If there is one soon, stock as many faeries/dubloons/codestones/etc. because the price will soar on the market. Other items normally are unpredictable as far as increases/decreases in value are concerned; it all depends on the users.

Saving Tips

The best thing to do is always deposit your neopoints into the bank. Unless you’re ready to scout for reselling items, always hold 1,000 NP or less. Once you get much richer, you will probably decide that 10,000 NP or less is your average to carry. But whatever it is, the more you put in your bank, the more interest you can earn, and bank interest is probably the easiest thing to gain on Neopets, requiring merely one push of a button.

Here are the kind of mentalities you SHOULD be having at your different capital values:

  • 0 ~ 5,000 NP
  • Play Flash Games
  • Deposit all NP
  • Follow all dailies
  • 5,000 ~ 100,000 NP
  • Play Flash Games
  • Deposit all NP
  • Follow all dailies
  • Follow all gambling dailies
  • 100,000 ~ 500,000 NP
  • Play Flash Games
  • Deposit all NP
  • Try for Lab map
  • Follow gambling dailies
  • Reselling
  • Stock market
  • 500,000 ~ 1,000,000 NP +
  • Deposit all NP
  • If not already, still trying for Lab map


No, you don’t have to follow the above mentalities, but to ensure the best in-flow of neopoints, I suggest you do! It’s safe and works well for me.


Good luck playing Neopets! Remember, neopoints are not the most important thing in the game! It’s a game for all ages which promotes learning, socializing and generally having fun, so make sure you’re not stressing out trying to make those neopoints!

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