Guide to Easy Neopoints by _dark_bunny_

If youre looking for a guide to tell you to do the freebies and play games, read one of the other neopoints guide on PPT, which ALL seem to be the same. Hope you like my guide, I tried to make it as different as possible from the other guides.

Easiest Way [I Know]

There are some items that can be used more than once such as omelettes. Some items are worth more after you use them once e.g. two dubloon coin costs about 3980 np to be precise, when you spend it on something worth one dubloon at the Golden Dubloon [a restaurant located in Krawk Island] you get one dubloon coin change, and a one dubloon coin is worth about 4500np [last time I checked], see where Im going with this? Another type of item similar to this are 1/3rds of pizzas, eat one piece and they usually end up selling for quite a bit more.

Turdle Racing

I know I said Im not going to mention any games, but this is different you usually always win at least once and sometimes [when your really lucky] you win all three times. Meaning you get 13,500np profit, this has happened to me about four times before, but I play every day.

Auctions and Scratchcards

My favorite technique on getting neopoints. Get a scratch card from the scratchcard kiosk, go to the inventory and select your scratchcard and put it up for auction. If its a races to riches card start it off at 600 np minimum increments of 1 np, if its a terror trove card start it off at 700 np minimum increments of 1 neopoint, if its a faeries fortune card start it off at 1000 np minimum increments of 50 np and if you ever get one of the other scratch cards; keep it for safe keeping, the prices keep going up and up. Set up the time on how quickly need the neopoints. Note, these prices are approximate at the time of writing (3rd August 2004). – _dark_bunny_

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