Goal Setting to Success by dalilllion100

Almost all Neopians want to be rich. Maybe so they can smarten up their pets with a rare paint brush, or perhaps even to simply have a balance with six figures. Either way, you need to make a goal to get there. As corny as ‘goal setting’ sounds, it is the best way to help you get that lab map, or that extravagant bank account.

How to expand your daily earnings

Once you have set your goal (I.e. 450,000 np for a full lab set) you will need to think about how much you can earn (realistically) a ay, and so therefore get a general idea of how long it will take you to get there. So if you think you can make 5000 np a day, you will be waiting ninety days L . If the wait is too long for you then think about what else you can do.

Easy and quick games

There are personality games that will earn you 600np (for the three plays a day)



Ally & Aj

To play these three times each every day you will earn 1200np! And I guarantee that they can be done in under five minutes (it doesn’t matter what box you click). There are also a number of quiz games that will earn you even more. Play right. Some of those chance games will eat away at your hard earned cash like nothing else. Bagatelle and such are simply a waste of money. Yes, you do win occasionally, and the jackpots are huge, but your chances are slim and none. Even when you win you will find your account a bit lacking. In saying this, there are a few games in that category which are well worth your time.

Dice A roo – at five np it’s a fantastic way of not only getting food items, but actually having a shot at winning.

The Wheel of Excitement


Your shop

You could also take a look at how and if you are utilizing the shop function. Are you using it to sell off those unwanted Tombola or fishing items? A shop can be your primary np earner if you choose your stock wisely. You can restock through the main shops, or (my favorite way) through the shop wizard. It will depend on you and what you like to buy and how much you can make. Some other things to consider are:

If your goal is quite far off, then don’t price your items too cheap! You will have to wait if you price your items a little but higher, but they will eventually sell, and if after a few days they are still there, then you know to lower them.

Try not to clutter up your shops with masses of images and blinding backgrounds. It is nice to personalize your shop, but consider the strain this puts on other peoples computers. So I always say, keep it minimal.

As already mentioned, if you have a lot of time before you will reach that goal, then think about investing in the share market. Stocks go up and down, so there is a risk. However your stocks wont stay down forever and you often find that you can make at least a good 30% profit on them. The opportunity cost of this choice is your bank interest. S choose wisely (and read up a good guide before doing so) You can only buy 1000 shares a day.


Quests can be profitable. I am of course referring to the Snow Faerie. Do a good check of the items she is asking for and if they are under 3000-4000 np then go for it. This is because she usualy gives you around 2000 np, a snowball and an item. I admit to getting a few cases where I have had a bucket of sludge given to me. But in most cases it has been an awesome item. Furthermore she can give out neggs. Just the other day I got one that I sold for seventeen thousand np (and the quest cost me 2000 or so np).

This works, it takes time and effort, but the rewards make your Neopet experience much more rewarding.

By doing these things you can earn well over 10,000np a day. it’s a great feeling to deposit your np into your account and see your goal come one step closer. Having a goal like this really helps to motivate you.

A lot of people pound surf for hours in the hopes of getting a painted pet, but just think how much better it would be if you had earned it. – dalilllion100

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