Freaky Factory Guide by shapu

First off, unless you have a superfast computer, play this in low quality. It’ll run much smoother, which is VERY important considering how much timing matters in this game.

In levels one through four, make sure that two of your vats are full before you make your first toy (that is, make sure that if your first toy must be red, fill the yellow and blue vats to the top first). And don’t drop anything into that final vat unless you’ll have at least enough left over after that first toy to make one more of the same color(s).

The key in scoring for the first four levels is the consecutive bonuses and time remaining. I have level-by-level targets that go something like this:

  • Level 1: 140 (10 toys)
  • Level 2: 320 (13 toys)
  • Level 3: 450 (15 toys)
  • Level 4: 610 (18 toys)

If you can fill up the two alternate vats in level 5 (20 toys), do so, but it’s not so important.

If you’re in level one, haven’t made your first toy yet, and you’re down to 3/4 of the starting time, just hit reset.

Don’t ever pass up a glowing blob. Upgrading toys on the line can mean another 40 points, especially in higher levels.

Never just let an angel blob pass you by, even if it’s just to add one unit to one vat. If all of your vats are full, drop it on a toy if possible, since that’s a bonus.

Never let the Grundo thief steal a toy, unless doing so would make it impossible to drop a 5-unit blob in a vat that really needs it. That’s two-and-a-half toys, the Grundo thief can only steal one at a time.

That should get you started. Good luck. – shapu

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