Evil Fuzzles From Beyond the Stars: End Level Comments by lovelyrules86

Level One

Not bad!

After each level, your “hits” get converted to “VirtuCreds”/ You then can buy equipment and upgrades with your VirtuCreds.

This next wave you’ll meet some mutants with 2 times the hit strength, so be sure to buy the MegaGun!

Click ‘Next’ to continue when it appears.

Level Two

Good hob! Here’s a helpful hint: hit as many Evil Fuzzles in a row as you can (without missing!) before hitting the gold in a row bonus button. Hit 10 evil Fuzzles in a row, click on the gold bonus button and get 30 bonus points!

If you fire like crazy, you’re sure to miss a lot and the bonus won’t add up to much. If the mouse drags or is hard to aim, Select Quality: ‘Low’ before you open the next game next time. Good luck!

Level Three

You made it!

If you haven’t bought the radar yet, you should! Thinks start to speed up a little bit, and it’s really helpful!

When fighting, use your “b” key to look left and your “n” key to look right.

Level Four

Nive going!

Sometimes it can be smart to not spend all your VirtuCreds in the store and instead save some of them for the next store.

That way, you’ll have more VirtuCreds to buy more powerful things in the next store.

But be careful, you’ll find the cost of things goes up the further you go.

Level 5

… thank goodness…I was able to break through!…you’re getting out of range! … the mines that come at you down the center are more powerful! I don’t know how the Evil Fuzzles get a hold of them … be careful! … rely on the smart … and more than ever now!

Good luck!

Level 6 and Up

Converting hits to trade points. – lovelyrules86

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