Tag: evil

  • How to Get the Evil Eliv Thade Avatar by fuzzlandiamom

    Do you want to get the Evil Eliv Thade avatar?

    I’ll make it simple – do this (there are undoubtedly other ways, but this will work). It took me a few hours.

    * Choose Hard
    * Always move 3 spaces (choose 7 letter words) if possible (but you have to stop in each room)
    * Don’t step on any cracked squares.
    * When you finish with all the rooms – just hang out somewhere (I used bottom row) and go back and forth until your score is at least 850 before going to final room. If you get the 8 letter word right you will get 350 bonus to give you 1200.
    * Watch your lives and number of remaining hints. You only get 3 lives, so if you lose one early you might want to restart.

    Type in ‘rehaxtint’ to gain an extra hint in the game. (Thanks myname7772 and www.pinkpt.com for this tip)

    * Use Anagram solvers and lists of known Eliv Thade words.

    * Go slowly and carefully – careless typos will kill you.

    To unscramble the words – go to:


    Near the top of that page is a Set Up section that tells you how to use several; Anagram solvers alongside the game. Keep this site open while you play. At the bottom of the page is a list of Eliv Thade words and Anagrams (arranged in alphabetical order and by number of letters).

  • Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars Guide by Ray

    Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars is a great game to make neopoints, you just have to work for it.
    First of all, practice, practice, practice getting your aim on the fuzzles. The point is, don’t just fire like crazy, shoot fast, but still keep your aim on the fuzzles.

    Level 1:
    This is a fairly simple level, just shoot the fuzzles as fast as you can, because the faster you shoot them, the more that comes out, the more points you get. Notice the little 3 x 2 thing? Let’s call that the multiplier. Okay, so shoot the fuzzles as fast as you can. Don’t miss any. Just start slow, get better and shoot faster. If you miss them, it would be best to start over if you are serious. Every time you miss, the multiplier will start over from 1 x 2, 2 x 2, and so on. Don’t let the multiplier fall down. After it reaches 9 x 2, it will go to 10 x 3. I suggest you not press on the multiplier until you’ve reached AT LEAST x3. Actually, just don’t press it.
    When you see the little blue thing saying: Approaching Station, maybe attack 1-3 more fuzzles and then press it. It’s going to be your own judgment when you click it, if you run out of time, you are pretty much screwed, try starting over. After you click it, if you have time, attack one fuzzle and then click the multiplier, and keep on doing it until you get to station one.

  • Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars Guide by Tylerscorbett

    Level 1…

    1. Don’t miss anything
    2. every 10 shots cash in (bonus)
    A. This should happen 2X in Level 1
    3. When it says Approaching station Cash in every chance
    A. Should happen 2-4X in level 1
    4. You should have 110-115 VirtuCreds

    Station 1 (500 M from Level 1)

    1. Buy Gun Upgrade (- 35 virtucreds)
    2. Buy Side Radar (- 20 Virtucreds)
    3. Buy Repair Droid (- 50 Virtucreds)
    4. Leftover = 5-10 virtucreds

    Level 2…

    1. Don’t miss anything
    2. Every 10 shots cash in
    A. should happen 3X
    3. When it says Approachin Station Cash in every chance
    A. Should happen 1-2X
    5. Including station 1’s remainder you should have 137-142 Virtucreds

    Station 2…

    1. Buy gun upgrade (- 70 Virtucreds)

  • Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars Guide by speckleburst

    Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars is one of the most entertaining, zooming, mouse-speed-action, game around! But most of all its fun! That is if you know how to play it correctly:

    *KABOOM* *BANG* – Mutant Fuzzles are attacking the Virtupets Space Station!!! You play Zygorax, a third class maintenance worker responsible for waste disposal… but instead of neocola cans and juppie stalks, today you have to dispose of something far far scarier…

    Hop inside your X-Scrub 4000 Walker Bot and patrol the outside of the space station, using your laser cannons to shoot the enemies. Earn points for each kill, and spend these at the end of each level to upgrade your walker. May the force be with you, always!

  • The Pink Poogle Toy Show 7: The Obesity Epidemic at Neopets

    Kym, Emma, and Evan return with two new hosts Matthew and Adex at the helm to bring you an episode that identifies the growing problem of obesity in Neopets. We also discuss what the ugliest neopet in Neopia is, and consider the question of the Grundo and whether the species is generally evil. We once again turn our attention to the Cyrodrake’s Gaze plot and consider the coming of a new oriental themed world.