Cheat! Guide by Grace Nicholas

Opponents and Payout

Each round you get a new opponent and the number of neopoints you get for catching a cheater goes up.

Level 1
Opponents: Capara the Kyrii, Little Timmy the Tuskaninny, Branston the Eyrie.
NP: 8 per cheater.

Level 2
Opponents: Little Timmy the Tuskaninny, Branston the Eyrie, Chuffer Bob the Meerca.
NP: 12 per cheater.

Level 3
Opponents: Branston the Eyrie, Chuffer Bob the Meerca, Brucey B.
NP: 16 per cheater.
Bronze Trophy.

Level 4
Opponents: Chuffer Bob the Meerca, Brucey B., Kalora the Kau.
NP: 20 per cheater.

Level 5
Opponents: Brucey B., Kalora the Kau, Princess Fernypoo.
NP: 24 per cheater.
Silver Trophy.

Level 6
Opponents: Kalora the Kau, Princess Fernypoo, Agent 00 Hog.

NP: 28 per cheater.

Level 7
Opponents: Princess Fernypoo, Agent 00 Hog, Spectre.
NP: 32 per cheater.
Gold Trophy.

For the most part, it’s best not to cheat. It’s a lot safer. If you do, try to only play one card, and choose an option close to it, or one that has been played so much everyone cheated and can’t be sure.

When someone else is playing their last card(s), always accuse them of cheating. If you’re wrong, you’re going to lose anyways. If you’re right, you just bought yourself more time. The opponents will do the same to you, so try to not cheat when playing your last card if you can help it. Note that the numbers shown on the page are the ones that will be in play after their cards are played. If it says 1, they still have a card.

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