A Guide to Easy Neopoints and Neopian Fame by Meli5353

So. You want to get rich on Neopets eh? Well I have some tips that might help you…


Always play the ‘featured’ game daily or when ever you can. It is often unknown games that hide away, but play them anyway as they get you double np. This means you get twice as much and a lot faster so you have time to get more! Always send your score as you get more that way. I recommend you play a couple of games 3 times each because 3 times is the maximum times you can send your score for each games daily. (Once you have played the featured game, try ‘Hasee bounce’ as it’s ratio is 300np per 100 points. After a bit of practice, it shouldn’t be too hard to get 100 points every time.) After that, you might want to play some of your own favorite games.


Think of it this way, each 1,000np you earn is 1,000np closer to being rich. You might wish to set yourself a goal amount of np to reach. This will help you know how well you are doing. However, this is not necessary. You might wish to do it like I do, and just build up to np baby! A very useful way to make sure you save up and don’t spend it is if, every time you get 1,000np or more, put a round thousand into your bank and forbid yourself to use it. The ONLY time you can let yourself spend it is it you see something really good, like a petpet or a paintbrush for really cheap, then BUY IT! Don’t think “Oh, I can’t. I’m saving up.” Because, If you think that item is worth a lot, you might be able to sell it for more than you bought it for, therefore making a profit. There. So you got more money that you started with? I thought so.


Make a small list of things you NEED. Not things you WANT. These things might be things like food and toys for you beloved neopet, but remember, you can always get free food and items from these places:


These are just a few of the many places and things that you can get free things from! At one point when I was saving up, I practically lived off these things! The Freebies one is good because you get 2,000np as well! Keep away from shops so you are not temped to buy anything! Hehe! Concentrate on what you really want to do with your neolife. Do you want to collect avatars until you have all of them? Do you want to get paintbrushes and rare items? Do you want to foster pets and give as many as you can a happy home for a while? What do you want to do? Figure it out and make a list of all the things you need to achieve in order to get your big goal. Have a look to see how much these things are if you need to buy anything. When you have your price estimation on average, check your bank account to see if you can afford it yet. If not, carry on with the steps above until you reach your goal. Even when you have done what you intended to do, you could set a new goal or just carry on collecting np so you are a) Rich b) Able to help others c) Get any new stuff you don’t have already.


OK. I know this sounds a little odd , yet it can be very useful. Get in touch will people with impressive lookups, made just for them or painted pets. Find something you have in common and get chatting! Have rich friends not only means hanging out in all the right places, but also the fact that, if you are close, they may give you cool things! You never know, You might find a new friend!

I am going to keep this fairly short, as when it get long, It looks a bit tedious and people consider not reading it. If you read this, neomail ‘Meli5353’ to tell me how this guide helped you. You may also wish to join my ‘Money Maker’s Collecting Guild’! – Meli5353


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