How to Make and Save Easy Neopoints Without Playing Games by blue_magoo

Okay, First of all I want to say that almost all the guides in this section involve games. Well, if you have a slow computer like some people, or are just not very good at games, here’s the guide for you.

(1) If you don’t have a shop MAKE ONE!! They help SO MUCH. I’ve gotten at LEAST 100,000 np over time selling little things that I don’t use in my shop.

(2) If you think about it… Why put something in your Safety Deposit Box? (Unless you’re waiting for a trade or something) All they’re going to do there is sit and rot. ROT ROT ROT!! I sold everything in my SDB and I got almost 50,000 np.

Making Neopoints the Easy Way by Sinnerswish

Whether you are a newbie, or a long time user, everyone wants to know the secrets to getting rich… and quickly. Before I begin, let me say that there is no magic way to earn neopoints. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Now, the first thing you want to do is go to all the freebies. Coltanzs Shrine, Fruit Machine, Tombola, and the Snowager are great ones to use. Once a month you can go to for 2,000 neopoints and free food for all your pets.

Next, play the sponsor games, because more often than not they don’t require any skill, and are fast. When they have a full load of games, I can usually make over 14,000 neopoints in a day. Another easy game is Fashion Fever, because all you have to do is start and end the game. Then, play the easy games, like Ice Cream Machine, Kiko Match II, and National Neopian, because they can get you a lot of money, even if you aren’t good at them. So, try to play as many games as possible, because, believe me, it can get you a lot.

Want Neopoints? No Problem! by Meg


I dont have a miracle method to making NP, so if you want a guide to make 1,000,000np in a day, youll have to go elsewhere as this is not one of them. Im just your average neopian, Im not too good at the games or restocking, but I still make a lot of np.


So theres that new paintbrush thats just been released, and your pet looks really cute in that color. You NEED that paintbrush! Not so. You WANT that paintbrush! But is it really worth blowing your hard earned millions on a paintbrush that will drop in price in a few months when youll be richer anyway? Not really. So you just have to try and resist the temptation. Its hard, but in the long run, its the best decision.

Neopoint Tips for Newbies by Bradley Arndt

1. Make a Shop- It is very cheap to make one, and will bring you LOTS of Neopoints!

2. Sell Codestones and Map Pieces- A lot of people like these, they will sell quickly and it
will make 1,000 to 8,000 Neopoints for you.

3. Lower your prices- If the prices in your shop are a little lower than everyone else’s, they will sell quicker.

4. Freebies- Play the Tombola and the Fruit Machine once a day. Also, every 30 minutes you can heal and make your pets stronger at the Healing Springs.

5. Trade- You can usually find good deals at the Trading Post.

6. Play games- This one is easy! Most of’s game’s are easy and can make you TONS of Neopoints.

The All Around 9 Step Guide to Being a Cheap Yet Successful Neopian by Paul Nemitz

Yeah, I too have decided to make a newbie guide, and the name is altairguardian on neopets, but don’t let the newbie status confuse you, I had some other accounts, all covered in rust BEFORE books disappeared.

Getting started: 500 np isn’t much, but it IS better than nothing, and the newbie pack can be useful for a FEW days, there are number of cans and cant’s about this

1. Basic supplies: Food, books, crude weapons, and toys are useful most of the time, and its worth it to make your pet smarter, happier, or stronger.

2. Bank account: This is a MUST, and I suggest when you have the amount of total money needed to improve your account status, do it! normally, bank money is dead money for awhile, but if your not gonna do anything else with it, might as well make interest.