A Guide to the Neopets Chat Boards by x_prison_break_fan_x

Picture this,you are new to Neopets, you click on the Neoboards, and…what is this? You are clueless on what to do, where to go, and what to say. So I created this simple guide to help you make your way through the chat boards.

The Front Page

On the front page of the boards, there are around 20 different message boards. Under each one is a short description of what you are supposed to talk about on that certain board.

For example, under the ‘Help’ chat board, it says:

Need Neopets help? If you’ve got a question, this is the place to get answers.

Make sure you only chat on a board about what you are supposed to chat about. For example, you wouldn’t go to the ‘Guilds’ board and talk about the Altador Cup.

Safety Deposit Box Tips

Safety deposit box

Have All Your Items Listed on 1 Page by Dominique

Here’s what you do to get all of your items on the same page. Let’s say you have 62 items. You would take out the last two items (which should be on their own last page). You then wait for the page to change. Then you go back to the page the last two items were on (example: Viewing items 60 through 62 of 62). After this, you click the same page at the SDB page links. This will then make all of your items on the same page. This makes it easier to remove large quantities of item at the same time.

A Want or a Need by mobilechick7

My article’s intention is to help you, being a newbie or a veteran on Neopets help decide whether certain items are a want or a need. Whether YOU or your pet actually NEED the item to survive or just WANT the item because its popular or might make your pet look good is a different matter, but this may also vary depending on your financial status!

Lets take some NEEDS for example. You NEED food and medical supplies but you don’t actually have to buy these.

To obtain food free you can visit Tyrannia and take a piece of the omelette there. This will feed your pet’s up to 3 times and you can always if you have to buy omelette for 1 – 10 neopoints via the Shop Wizard. Obtaining health can be done by visiting Faerieland and visiting the water faerie.

Increase Random Events

Play web-based games by xOperaGhostx

If you want to get random events where you find free neopoints or codestones on the floor, play games like cellblock, neggsweeper, cheat or bilge dice. Basically any non-flash game where the page is refreshed numerous times. I usually find that while I’m playing those, I get a lot of random events. I wind up finding two or three codestones plus a map piece each day!

Reaching Your Neopets Goals by saphnieaisha120

Today I am here to tell you how I am going to reach my goal and how you can reach yours just by following these instructions.

Getting Started

The first thing to do is to start earning money. You can earn money either by playing games or selling items in your shop, which I’ll talk about later. The order of games I usually play each day is Turmac Roll, Hasee Bounce, Meerca Chase and Jelly Blobs of Doom. After those four games, I play whatever random games give me a good reward, such as Dubloon Disaster, Koeda-Chan: Basket Burden, Devo 20: Personality Quiz (easy 600 NP daily if you play three times!), Extreme Herder and Sophie’s Stew. Try playing all those games daily. Aim for getting 3000 NP each day from games. If you get more than that, you’re well on your way to becoming rich, but that’s not our major concern right now. Gaining money is only half of the battle.