Pyramids Cheats

Free Game Play the Following Day

Whenever you have reached your daily limit for the game, click on it again when it says play again. DON’T continue playing. The next day when you go back it will say you have a game already started and continue with that game. You aren’t charged the 50 NP for the first game of the day. It’s not much but 50 NP is 50 NP 🙂 – by Lupinia

Snowmuncher Cheats

Random guy with o

On the welcome screen, click the polar bear’s eye. A guy comes up with an “O” under him. – ~A~N~N~I~E~

Multiply your score by 100

Type in ‘dieter’ at any point during the game to multiply your score by 100. This can only be used once per game. Note that the score when sent will be divided by 100 again so this secret is more of a novelty secret that has no apparent function. – Sugar

Flying Polarchuck

When you start a game, hold down the down key and hold down the space bar. Then when he munches two snow cubes he should be standing. – pijoe

How to Get the Evil Eliv Thade Avatar by fuzzlandiamom

Do you want to get the Evil Eliv Thade avatar?

I’ll make it simple – do this (there are undoubtedly other ways, but this will work). It took me a few hours.

* Choose Hard
* Always move 3 spaces (choose 7 letter words) if possible (but you have to stop in each room)
* Don’t step on any cracked squares.
* When you finish with all the rooms – just hang out somewhere (I used bottom row) and go back and forth until your score is at least 850 before going to final room. If you get the 8 letter word right you will get 350 bonus to give you 1200.