The Day When my Friend Became a Scammer by Lulu

One sunny day, I was there on my computer, playing meerca chase, and I also in msn with one of my neo friends. His name was Daniel and he was a VERY, VERY bad neopets player. He was bad and games and stock marketer, he had bad luck at wheels, the ghosts always took his omelettes and other good things. He was scammed at the trading post (One day he traded a codestone, a negg and a faerie for a box of wheat flakes, and a lot of bottles of sand, toy sail boats, sandals, etc.) He didnt liked guilds, so he was so poor. he only had like 5000, and sometimes he bet 2500 on my posts to go to the soup kitchen. Maybe he was so stupid, I mean, ha had 1 almost dying pet, so I gave him some stupid food (omelettes, faerie cakes. wheat flakes) every day. I was like her mom giving stuff to the child, till one day.

That sunny day I was in Msn with him, I wrote the conversation here (I remember it, but it isnt the same that the one of the sunny day, and because we are both from Colombia, the conversation was in Spanish, but I translated it )

Lulu: Hey Dan
Dan: Hey
Lulu: I got 3 omelettes and a blue poogle plushie, and a codestone to the little Ginger

*Dans Neopets name was Ginger and a large number*

Dan: Dont worry, I dont need it
Lulu: You won a prize? You joined to a guild? You played something?
Dan: so so, bu tI gotta go to school
Lulu: Today is Boyacas Battle, we dont have to go to school!

*Boyacas Battle in Colombia is like Veteran day in USA*

Dan: Homework, bye

So he said Goodbye, and I thought that maybe he had homework, anyways, I went to neopets to see what was going on with Dan, because he was really poor, and he needed that stuff. Well when I went to the Users info page.

Shop Size:20
40 cards in the neodeck 16 room neohome, with peophin insurance, marble floor and all those luxury and expensive things.

And Ginger.
Robot Chia
22 new books read
Level 6 (She was at level 1)

Then I received a message from Daisy (Other friend) Guess what? I have been scammed. I lost all my money and stuff. I dont know why. I havent sent my password to anyone, I havent login like a year ago, I dont know!!!

So I said to daisy:

be strong, Ill send you some food and objects.

And I neomailed Dan

your best friend daisy has been scammed. send her some stuff.

And I started to think, daisy scammed the same day that dan became rich. So I made a plan. I neomailed Dan again.

bad news, I have been scammed too. I dont have anything. And Ibiza (my pet) is sick. Could you send me some flatuless tablets?

And he answered

I dont know what it, but my pass is ********** so please look for me. I trust in you. But dont give my pass to ANYONE

Yeah, Dan was rich, but stupid. He didnt know that you must not sent your password to ANYONE, even to your very very good friend. I entered to Dans account and he had a great collection of usukis. What kind of boy will have 67 usukis? And a Chia Flour. Dan didnt liked to battle. 12 codestones and 5 books. So I msn with Daisy:

Lulu: I got a clue about the scammer
Daisy: WHAT??? GREAT!!!
Lulu: Did you had 67 usukis?
Daisy: Yeah
Lulu: Chia Flour, 12 codestones and 5 books
Daisy: I had the chia flour, 17 codestones and 27 books.
Lulu: I think that I found the scammer.
Daisy: Who??????????????????
Lulu: Dan, take your stuff. Dans pass is **********, and change your pass in your account.

Yeah, Dan had 12 codestones, Because he used 5 in Ginger. And 5 books, because he read 22 to Ginger. I deleted Dan’s account. Ginger is now a battledome star. And I mailed Dan:

I cant believe this. Bye, Dan.

I cant believe this. I cant believe that I lost a friend because he wanted money. I know that Dan Neositted Daisys Account, one year ago. Last time Daisy changed her pass was 2 years ago. Anyways, remember, this is neopets, dont trust in ANYONE. – Lulu

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