One sunny day, I was there on my computer, playing meerca chase, and I also in msn with one of my neo friends. His name was Daniel and he was a VERY, VERY bad neopets player. He was bad and games and stock marketer, he had bad luck at wheels, the ghosts always took his omelettes and other good things. He was scammed at the trading post (One day he traded a codestone, a negg and a faerie for a box of wheat flakes, and a lot of bottles of sand, toy sail boats, sandals, etc.) He didnt liked guilds, so he was so poor. he only had like 5000, and sometimes he bet 2500 on my posts to go to the soup kitchen. Maybe he was so stupid, I mean, ha had 1 almost dying pet, so I gave him some stupid food (omelettes, faerie cakes. wheat flakes) every day. I was like her mom giving stuff to the child, till one day.
Tag: thriller
The Day When my Friend Became a Scammer by Lulu
Neopets Dreams
Have you ever had a dream that had Neopets in it? I haven’t, but I would love to hear your stories! If you have any, whether it be action, comedy, romance (settle) or thriller, please email it to the webmaster and if it is presentable to a wide audience including children, then it will be posted up here! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Please note: All interpretations are for fun only 🙂
Please Note: All fan fiction featuring Neopets pets, characters, or material must conform with the Neopets Terms and Conditions in all respects.
Neo Dream #1
I had a neopet dream where I took my moehog to the lab ray and she turned into an obese tooth fairy.