Attack of the Marblemen Cheats

Marblemen Game Passwords
Thanks to dothebest1 for the list!
Lvl 5 = 9CV81Z
Lvl 10 = 0381ZC
Lvl 15 = X969FC
Lvl 20 = D36GZC
Lvl 25 = VXE398
Lvl 30 = WF79ZC
Lvl 35 = 96VJZC
Lvl 40 = WFEE98
Lvl 70 = 38DZCE
Lvl 75 = ECVYZD
Lvl 80 = 7ZE29Y
Lvl 85 = D23CED
Lvl 90 = 2V113D
Lvl 95 = 38DF6E

Please note, if the above set doesn’t work, try this new set.
Lv1 = IL4HA8
Lv2 = 9CHA8L
Lv3 = 6IFIOL

Again, if the above ones don’t work, try these ones.
Thanks to dearkity2 for the following.
Lvl 5 = JM5IB9
Lvl 10 = ADIB9M
Lvl 15 = 7JGJPM
Lvl 20 = NDGQ9M

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