Tag: notes

  • Neopets Rumors

    Every now and then, rumors circulate Neopets users about a new cheat or secret that can be exploited to obtain 60 billion neopoints. Unfortunately they’re not true, so we’ve set up this section to debunk all those myths.

    The Rumors

    How can I get Hidden Tower items for 1 np?
    You cannot get Hidden Tower items for 1 np.

    I was told my my best friend’s friend’s uncle’s cousin that there is a cheat which will give you ‘x’ amount of neopoints. How do I do this?
    There is no such thing.

  • Tips to Making Several Million Neopoints in a Few Months by sailor_serena29

    First of all, you must make a good investment of 5,000 to 10,000 np. You can do this by playing games, wheel of fortune, or scratch cards. Now, after getting this money, put it in the bank to collect interest for up to one week. Take 5000 np out of the bank. Go to the book shop and wait until it restocks. (First, check the news every day. This is to see if there are any new books out. I always check it every time I log on in case it’s a pet’s day or something. They usually come out with 3-5 new books for that pet.)

  • The Slow Yet the Best Way to Get a Lot of Neopoints by nightshade_nova

    Why need to rush if the real slow method really works. This is a great way for newbies to have their pockets loaded with nps. Here are the things to

    1.The daily things to do, spin the wheels and fruit machine, tombola, shrine, buried treasure, grumpy old king, omellete and snowager. Don’t buy faeries and codestones cause you can get it from tombola. If you really want to train, use dubloons instead.

    2.The healing spring, igloo garage sale, the scratch card kiosk, the giant omellete and the giant jelly. Go the the healing spring after you visit above. It can either heal your neopets or cure them from diseases. If you get healing potions, sell them for nps. Browse the garage sale for cheap good but cheap items. Collect the scratch card for a month, then scratch 15 out of those, or after you get around 50k.Sell the rest of it for nps. Go to the giant omelette and the giant jelly for food to feed your pets.

    3.Play games. Most recommended games are igloo garage sale, meerca chase, pterattack, extreme herder, zurroball, escape from meridell, advert attack, swarm, splat-a-sloth, carnival of terror, chomby and the fungus ball, omelette defender, kiko match II, cheat and poogle solitaire. If you don’t have times, choose the game you like the most or those that get you more nps. Remember, practice make perfect. You’ll most likely get 12k-15k out of these daily because they are very easy. Play some sponsor games too because they are usually easy. Check neopian times on how to be a grand master (max out the 1000nps per game) on hard games like neggsweeper and destruct-o-match or read some game guides in this site. They are most useful.

  • Much Ado About NeoQuest by Susan L. McLeod

    This is sort of like a guide to Neoquest (I did a survey awhile ago)

    Neoquest is an adventure in which can easily be compared to the game boy version of Pokemon or the Zelda games. In this game you never know what is going to happen next, for example in the Dank Cave to my disappointment when I thought I had found Xantan I was no more closer then before. When I finally did beat him I though the game was over and I had won. But I guess it wasn’t that easy.

    From the survey I had sent out many people were upset about the times it was open. One person could never play the game because of the times and another hasn’t played in a month. I can only play the game in the morning on weekends and if I got up early enough about 5-15 min. before my bus comes. Though as some said the Neopet Staff has to look after they’re servers but for the race it is unfair since some get to play for hours while others just a couple minutes in the morning. Unless they want to stay up till twelve at night.

  • The Guide to Becoming a Successful Guild Owner by HammYSilverwinG3

    If you’re like countless other Neopians, you’ve probably joined a guild or two with lavish layouts, websites, and logos. Also, these guilds were probably successful, right? There are a few ways to make successful guilds, but I have found that the easiest way to success is through good graphics, friendly helping members, and a fun atmosphere. Friendly members and a fun atmosphere may already be present in your guild, but good graphics can be hard to achieve for some.

    Pre-made layouts are just fine and there is no shame in them. Most people have used a pre-made once or twice when they didn’t feel like making a layout, they liked a certain one a lot, or they just didn’t know how to make a layout. I would though, recommend custom graphics request. You can go to the Guild board on the neoboards and you can probably get someone to make a custom graphic for you. Sadly though, people may ignore you if you don’t mention a neopoint tip for their services.