Why need to rush if the real slow method really works. This is a great way for newbies to have their pockets loaded with nps. Here are the things to
1.The daily things to do, spin the wheels and fruit machine, tombola, shrine, buried treasure, grumpy old king, omellete and snowager. Don’t buy faeries and codestones cause you can get it from tombola. If you really want to train, use dubloons instead.
2.The healing spring, igloo garage sale, the scratch card kiosk, the giant omellete and the giant jelly. Go the the healing spring after you visit above. It can either heal your neopets or cure them from diseases. If you get healing potions, sell them for nps. Browse the garage sale for cheap good but cheap items. Collect the scratch card for a month, then scratch 15 out of those, or after you get around 50k.Sell the rest of it for nps. Go to the giant omelette and the giant jelly for food to feed your pets.
3.Play games. Most recommended games are igloo garage sale, meerca chase, pterattack, extreme herder, zurroball, escape from meridell, advert attack, swarm, splat-a-sloth, carnival of terror, chomby and the fungus ball, omelette defender, kiko match II, cheat and poogle solitaire. If you don’t have times, choose the game you like the most or those that get you more nps. Remember, practice make perfect. You’ll most likely get 12k-15k out of these daily because they are very easy. Play some sponsor games too because they are usually easy. Check neopian times on how to be a grand master (max out the 1000nps per game) on hard games like neggsweeper and destruct-o-match or read some game guides in this site. They are most useful.