Need cash? Theres a magic button between explore and mail and will give you a million gazillion points! Wanna know what it is? Games! Now the best games are: Petpet Cannon Ball, Gormball, Dice-A-Roo, and the best game of all Ultimate Bullseye; and its strategies and tips.
Now first of is the game-pet pet cannon ball! The first strategy is kinda hard to explain but here it goes: on the first level the middle of the cannon needs to be leveled with the middle line on the anchor, the second levels a bit different, you need the bottom of the barrel hole lined up with the middle line of the anchor. Now for the third level you need to find a dot on the front of the ship above the wooden line holder thingy bob. Now I could keep going but its time to move on.
Second off is Gormball! One of the first strategies is the repeating method; which is where you hold down the enter bar. Now my favorite character is ember, I don’t know why but she just is. So click on her and hit play ball! Now if its your turn hit five seconds, and then hit go. Now hit the back button on your browser then hit go again and after that just lay back and hit the enter bar continuously! And after about 30 seconds release the enter Bar. Now if it says that there is no game go to your inventory and see if you have any items. And that would be about it for this game.
Third is Dice-A-Roo a confusing but fun game. Now I prefer to see what I win but you can do it the easy way by using the enter method you used on Gormball. Now if you do it the harder way here are the dice and what they do: red – just gives neopoints; blue – just give neopoints; green – gives food and neopoints; silver food, neopoints, regular jackpot, and 10X jackpot. But the sixth die its a secret! So I can’t tell you.
Now for a good strategy to work on Ultimate Bullseye you need to understand the guide and the game! If you don’t understand one of the main strategies is to aim a little bit higher than the middle spot(called the bar and over method). But to make up the perfect combination of power and precision you need to fire when the power is one eighth the way more than 4th power bar (one of the big ones).
Next is power ups, they are the best part of the game. Now the hardest one to use is C, Close is not that easy to use (contrary to popular belief). So it doesn’t use the bar and over method) but a harder one. The power bar should be at two and you should be aiming at the middle. The next power up is P, for Punchbag Bob. If you hit the apple you get a whopping 20 points! But B for big ,is the easiest one to us. All you do is aim like you regularly do and shoot when it’s at its smallest.
Now, hopefully you’ve racked up the points and gotten really high scores on all your games! But don’t worry if you didn’t get a high score just try again.