Neopets Emergency Preparedness Kit by moonsyne

So you love Neopets and have tons of wonderful things in your account. What if something happens? What if there is a glitch? What if you get frozen? Scammed or CGed? Made an Oopsy-doodle? It’s time to create a Neopets Emergency Preparedness Kit. Here’s a comprehensive list of critical To Dos to prevent future heartbreak. This list is separated into two categories. On-Computer Backup Files and Off-Computer BackupFiles.

On-Computer Backup Files
Creating a folder for important Neopets information on your hard drive or even storing it (in a secure place) on-line can save you hours of work and heart ache.

1. Your User Look Up/Shop Coding: If you went through all the trouble of creating it, it would be a shame if you accidentally lost it all by messing up one code line in a Oopsy-Doodle. Even if you wish to create a new code, you should save your old one AND the images that go with it. There is nothing like forgetting that one little java script tag that you loved so much. Backup is always good.

2. Gallery Information: Not just the coding, but if you’ve spent hours making subgroups and ordering the items to form rainbow grouping throughout the listing… you want that information saved. It will only take you a minute to highlight everything and paste the order into a text file or even save the page in a tidy little folder. Who knows when a glitch will accidentally lose all your precious work.

3. Pet Pages: If you have done any work to your pet’s page, you should back it up. This is much more important to people who have done extensive work or added guides to these pages. Do not forget to save all images that you use, even those that are stored on Who knows when an image may be deleted or changed.

4. Guild Information: Your guild layout is important to save. Noting your guild members (and their contact information) is important. Not just your current members, but past members that you may wish to get into contact with at a later date. You are out of luck if they leave and you did not add them to your neofriends list.

5. Neoboard signatures: The greatest sorrows I’ve seen expressed are from people who changed their neoboard signature then longed for their old one. Especially if you take the time to match font, color, and style to your many precious avatars. Creating a list of avatar to signatures can really help you out. Creating it as a viewable HTML page will make viewing your signatures much more rewarding. Your avatar list you generated at wouldn’t hurt you either. Why tax their system if you already have the information, and what if they are down for maintenance?

6. Safety Deposit Box: If you are not a hoarder or too worried about missing items, a simple Items: __ | Qty:__ added to a text document of miscellaneous information is all you should need. Seems small and a bit silly, but do it just in case. If you are of the other sort, a SDB inventory will help you find out what happened to your Owl Necklace. Did it just disappear? No. You have the same amount of items. Taking inventory will show you that the name changed to Whoot Necklace. Mystery solved.

7. Battledome: Battledome items and abilities are great things to casually note. If you 1-player a lot, you may wish to record at what stats you beat an opponent, what abilities you normally have turned on, your panoply of equipped items, and the date. More ambitious people may wish to keep track of codestone and doubloon spending during training., and how often they get bonus leveling.

8. Links: The most overlooked backup out there is links to critical information and remembering your log-in information for such sites. An address book of great information sites, databases, blogs, and forums …as well as username and passwords to such places … are extremely helpful. There is nothing worse than forgetting where that great NeoQuest guide was located. It’s help was invaluable to beating the game the first time and the maps were great. If only you could remember where it was or what it was called. Dig-for-it? That can’t be right.

Off-Computer Backup Files
Some information should be very carefully stored far away from viral access and nosy family members. I recommend a sturdy notebook locked away in a lock box or other very safe place. I label mine Tax Records 1991. NOBODY looks there.

1. Your Usernames, Passwords, and PINs: These things from all your accounts, event he one you self froze. Over time your memory slips. Even if you are only going on vacation, it is good to have this information available. Nothing like losing the username of your spare where you stored an Island Quiggle you forgot about until *gasp* the avatar came along. What was that pet’s name again? If you had it written down you would know.

2. Your Birthday: Not that I think you would forget your own birthday, but the majority of people who sign up do not use their real birthdays in order to stay anonymous. There are several areas where this magic number will come into play, and you will regret not taking note of it now. Take it from me, guessing 365 dates trying to access your old account is a real pain.

3. Your E-mail: It is a good time to check NOW if your listed e-mail address is up to date. There is nothing worse than having your account unavailable to you and not being able to communicate with TNT because your old, Old, OLD, OLD e-mail that you signed up with is inactive, forgotten, or just plain gone. Update your e-mail, then take note of it. You may also wish to note that e-mail’s password, spam filter settings, and inactivity policies.

3. The *DREAD* Frozen Account Verification Information: If it happens to you, you will at least feel slightly more confident having this information easily at hand.

Who are your Neofriends? ______________
Past Trades/Auctions: ______________
Birth-date: ______________
Email Addresses: ______________
Neomails in your inbox: ______________
Stocks you currently own: ______________
Items in your Inventory or Safety Deposit Box : ______________
Items equipped on any of your pets: ______________
Pets you created (Not adopted. Give their exact names.) : ______________
If you’ve ever disowned any pets, what were their names? :______________
If you’ve ever been warned, what were the warnings for? :______________
If you’ve ever redeemed any Rare Item Codes, what did you get for them?:______________
Any further information you think would help us verify your ownership of the account. :______________ – moonsyne

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    Your positivity radiates through your posts. It’s evident you bring a sense of joy to those around you. Thanks for making the online world a brighter place.

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