In a growing trend that has been around since the early days of Neopia, we seem to have lost our memories or experiences of our very first neopet.
You know? The ones we created, The ones we named, The ones we just knew were the ‘coolest’. Needless to say these pets were probably among the most common.
Of course in life we are always left wanting more, this time fueled by the beautiful, elite and stronger looking neopets badged ‘limited edition’ and ‘restricted’. At the time we weren’t even really sure what this meant, We did know, however that we had to get our hands on them.
After exploring all of Neopia and the boards we find most of these exclusive neopets are possible to have – At a cost. The secrets to this being one of, if not the most expensive venture in Neopia. Countless hours, days, weeks, months and to some years gone by… Eventually you reach your goal!
In the mean time what about your other neopets? Yes, your ‘common’ pets. Unloved? Waiting to be disowned and replaced by a better neopet? Perhaps counting down the time they have left as a humble Chia before they change forever.
Have we forgotten why we are all here in the first place? Forgetting our dreams; our ‘common’ neopets are ready to serve. Need to play a card game such as Cheat!? No problem. Need to battle it out against other neopets around Neopia? No problem. What do we give back? A short-trip to the pound or a life-changing potion?
All your hard work and effort is to be rewarded. And I say reward your common neopets. With the proper training, battle items and a quick session at the rainbow pool your common neopet can shine, literally.
Interestingly enough, your single neopet in a sea of look-alikes can be more rare than you think. Take just one unique Shoyru. This accounts for less than 0.00001% of the entire Shoyru population. Compare this to the rarest neopet in Neopia in the same situation, that unique neopet is almost 100 times more common in its particular species.
Tips towards your perfect uncommoncommon neopet
Choose a name free of any numbers, if possible.
Visit the rainbow pool before creating your neopet to see what colours are available for each neopet; what they look like and what paint brush’ you are willing to buy.
Try to organize a daily routine including income and budget. This will make it easy to plan when you will be able to afford new items, and so that you don’t overspend on any day!
Set pin numbers on your bank, safety deposit bank and pounds so that in the event your account is no longer in your control no harm can be done to your neopets, neopoints or rare and expensive items until the issue is sorted.
Please, think of the neopets; give your common neopet a chance today! – Cameron