Freaky Factory Guide by Shoyru_Lover

An addictive and totally fun game to grace the Neopian world, Freaky Factory is an engrossing experience that leaves you wanting more. You play a factory worker employed by Krelufun Industries and it is your job to ensure the correct colored liquid Kreludite blobs fall into the correct colored vats to create the Neopet miniatures that are in high demand. It goes without saying that red blobs go in the red vats, yellow blobs go in the yellow vats and the blue blobs in the blue vats.

The vats are located at the bottom of the screen and the blobs travel horizontally across the screen held by ‘clothes lines’. There are two clotheslines, which determine which way blobs will travel. For example, the top clothesline has blobs travel from the left to the right of the screen and the bottom clothesline has the blobs travel from the right to the left of the screen.

These blobs come in varying sizes. The larger blobs fill up the vats faster and the smaller vats typically count as one unit in the vats. To make them fall into the vat, click on them. A little bit of timing needs to be taken into account as the blobs do not fall vertical but on a slight angle depending on how fast they are traveling on the clotheslines.

If you miss the vats, put the wrong blob in the wrong vat or just hit the conveyer belt, the game counts the size of the blob and adds the resulting number to your ‘waste total’. The waste total can be seen on the right side of the screen in the tube that looks like a thermometer. Once this fills up completely, it’s game over. Blobs can also be counted as waste if the correct colored blob is thrown into an already full or nearly full vat. Desirably, you want the vats to be nearly full at all times. The level of the vat can be cheeked in the thermometer like device in the middle of the vat. Note that if you put the wrong colored blob in the wrong vat, not only will it add to your waste total, but also it will deduct the vat volume by the same amount the blob was intended to add.

If you concentrate on keeping all the vats full, you should not have to concentrate on what Kreludite blob is required. However just for completeness, the levels of Kreludite blobs required to create certain miniatures are shown through the white graph on the right of the blue vat. As a general rule, the more materials required to create a certain miniature, the greater the amount of miniatures will come out as a result.

A great point gainer in this game is the bonus pot. If you can keep your vats nearly full all the time and hence, have a consistent flow of Neopet miniatures, the bonus increases by three until a gap occurs on the conveyer belt. Note that you gain points when a miniature is created and successfully makes it to the left side of the conveyer belt, however these bonus points give a substantial increase to your ending score. In any given level, bonuses of 50 will be critical, especially if you are aiming for a trophy and high score. In addition, depending on what type of miniature created will depend on what normal point you will gain. The highest-level miniature (certain rainbow miniatures) will give you 12 points.

Each level has a quota of how many toys you must make. This quota can be seen on the bottom left of the screen. The quota must be reached within the time limit. The time can be seen in the top middle of the screen (the clock). When you create miniatures and they start making their way towards the left of the conveyer belt, you will notice that there will be a Grundo thief who will attempt to steal your miniatures. You can get rid of him by clicking on him. He is notoriously hard to spot due to his camouflaging colors and he will make reappearances every few seconds. If you don’t click on him, he will steal a miniature when it comes his way and then duck away out of sight, only to return at a later date. This thief can also be shoed away by making a blob hit him.

Kreludite material is very unstable, and at times you will see mutations appear. Some are bad, but mostly are good. Here is a complete listing of what is available.

  • AngelBlob – This can go in any vat and will completely fill up the vat to the top, very handy. However, if you miss a vat, this blob will add a substantial amount to your waste pile.
  • Cleaner Blob – Will reduce the amount of waste in your waste total. Very good blob!
  • Clock Blob – Extra time bonus.
  • EvilBlob – These are normally looking blobs, except they have mouths. Do not under any circumstances click on these, as they will add points to your waste pile.
  • Freeze Blob – Slows down the conveyer belt for a short amount of time (not very useful).
  • Glowing Blob – Upgrades all your toy’s colors soon the assembly line so they give you greater point returns.
  • Hyper Blob – Fills up all your vats to max.
  • Speed Blob – Speeds up the conveyer belt for the short amount of time (not very useful).
  • Additionally, if you drop a blob, but it misses the vats and lands on a toy moving across the conveyor belt, it will repaint the toy, decreasing it’s value. However, you will not receive waste points.

Some argue that the Speed and Freeze blob is critical to maximizing your bonus pot. I say rubbish. There’s already so much going on in the game that you should not need to waste extra time by concentrating on this detail.

Strategy wise, always attempt to have as many Neopet miniatures on the conveyer belt as possible. Even if you reach your quote with one more miniature, if you have 4 miniatures on the belt, they will be added to your final score level.

Ensure that your timing is correct. Faster traveling blobs will need to be clicked on earlier than slower traveling blobs. In addition, watch out for EvilBlobs as they wreck havoc on your waste levels.

Keep ‘peripheral’ vision on the bottom of the conveyer belt to click on the Grundo when it appears. One saved miniature can mean the difference between meeting the quota for that level.

If the vat is nearly full and a correct colored blob comes along, use your judgment. If the color isn’t needed, you won’t have to fill it and risk some overflow. If the color is needed, fill it and risk some overflow, as you’ll be able to reduce it later with a Cleaner Blob.

This game is fairly simple and very fun. Have fun and sooner or later, you’ll be bound to get that trophy or high score! Good luck and have fun! – Shoyru_Lover


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