I dont have a miracle method to making NP, so if you want a guide to make 1,000,000np in a day, youll have to go elsewhere as this is not one of them. Im just your average neopian, Im not too good at the games or restocking, but I still make a lot of np.
So theres that new paintbrush thats just been released, and your pet looks really cute in that color. You NEED that paintbrush! Not so. You WANT that paintbrush! But is it really worth blowing your hard earned millions on a paintbrush that will drop in price in a few months when youll be richer anyway? Not really. So you just have to try and resist the temptation. Its hard, but in the long run, its the best decision.
The Interesting Part Making Neopoints
Right, here is the good bit. Making the NP. Some guides recommend you play lots of flash games to earn your neopoints. Im totally useless at flash games, and since Im showing you how I make neopoints my guide doesnt contain many game tips. Lets get started.
1. Right. If youre reading this guide you may not have many NP. Right, you need at least 10000np to start. So I recommend playing Pyramids, or Scarab 21 for those easy starting NP. They are easy to play and easy to make a profit from. Or for a longer, more challenging game, I suggest Cheat!, as you make a lot of profit from winning each game. You should also sell the items you gain (only the regular battlecards) in a one-hour auction, with 10np start price and 1np increment. You could also try Meerca Chase, which is really easy if you have a mobile with Snake on.
2. Now you have 10,000np. Its the first big milestone in my opinion, so well done. From now, you should open a bank account (if you already havent done so.) You should deposit 1000np every day, and you should never take it out, unless it is a major emergency, e.g. finding a Darigan Paint Brush for 10,000np. Slowly increase the amount as you earn more np. Dont forget to collect your interest. And dont forget to upgrade your bank account for that extra interest.
3. Now to start the real NP making. You should search the auctions for items such as faeries, codestones and paintbrushes for cheap prices. You should be able to sell these for a good profit. Also, play Scarab 21 and Pyramids every day as well. You can make 10000np maximum a day altogether. Try to find a game your good at as well. Just because Im bad at the games doesnt mean you will be J.
4. Dont forget the dailies.
If you get a codestone or faerie from the tombola, don’t sell it in your shop, sell it in the auctions. Usually, there are people competing in the auctions for certain items, so you could rake in a big profit. Also get the free omelette. You can sell this in your shop or feed your pet. Go to Coltzans Shrine, as you can get dubloon, food and stat raises from him. The Desert Fruit Machine is good for freebies. You can get many items and Neopoints from this, and its totally FREE!
5. Faerie Quests are your friend J! Try to do every quest, apart from the Earth Faerie. And Snow Faerie quests usually give a good profit, but try not to spend over 5000np on them.
6. Restocking is good. I suggest the Chocolate Factory or Pharmacy, where many profitable items stock at once, and they are easy to sell. If you are going to restock, I suggest having a size 5 shop AT LEAST.
7. Sign up with the sponsors. Use a spare email address though as you could get a lot of junk mail. You could get quite a few np by doing this.
8. Play the stock market. Always invest in stocks that are 15np. No more, no less. If you are patient, that 15np stock you invested in a month ago could be worth hundreds! Just dont play it if you are not willing to let thousands of np sit there for weeks. And never sell for under the price you bought it for.
9. Buy scratchcards. Since the Neopets team made it so you can only buy one card every 6 hours, you get less profit, but you should still buy them. Never scratch them though. Sell them for a profit in your shop or auction them.
10. Do the faerie crossword. The answers can be found on That’s another 600np for you!
Once youve reached a certain amount of Neopoints, say 100,000, dont just go buying lots of things because you can. Remember the want/need rule?
Also, dont give up. It may seem like a lot of hard work, but it shouldnt be. Making NP is fun! And the rewards you get once you have are well worth the amount of work you put in.
I hope you enjoyed reading my guide and I hope it helped you. – Meg @