Jake Ransom Flashlight Freeze Guide by unice66


Jake Ransom has accidentally landed in a strange world of long-lost civilizations, and he has been attacked by Stingtails! It’s up to you to help Jake freeze the Stingtails so he can continue his action-packed journey and solve the mystery of his parents’ disappearance.

Well, we don’t really care, do we? All that matters is that Jake Ransom Flashlight Freeze is a really easy game to get 10,00 neopoints per game in, needing only 150 points out of a possible 600-ish for getting to the last level. Most people find it really difficult, which is why the NP ratio is so high, but just follow my very simple strategy, and no matter how many of the scary stingtails they send after you, you’ll blast them away before they get anywhere close to you.


You use the arrow keys to walk around, and the C and V keys to use your flashlight/ laser beam. Let me tell you right now, YOU ONLY NEED THE V KEY. The C key does more damage, but it must be pointed at the stingtail you’re shooting at, giving the other ones time to hit you. The V key does less damage, requiring 3 shocks to kill the stingtail, but it hits all of them at once, and the shock stuns them so they can’t advance.
This is a very simple strategy that is completely foolproof.


When you start each level, press the up arrow to get as high up the screen as you can. When there’s an arrow pointing right that says “Go!” you press the right arrow, and the scenery will move past you, while your character stays in the middle of the screen. When the scenery stops moving and you start moving to the right instead, press the left arrow until you’re back in the center. This is when the stingtails will come.

Just continuously press V when you see them until they’ve been shocked three times, which is when they’ll die. If you continue to press V after the third shock, you can get another one in before their bodies disappear, but this doesn’t do anything (but go for it if you like the overkill factor).

The screen will then say “Go!” again, and you again move right until you meet the next group of stingtails, which you dispatch in exactly the same way.

Sometimes the stingtails will drop powerups that recharge your health or your batteries, but seeing as you won’t get damaged and you’re not using the C key, you can just ignore them, as you don’t get any points for picking them up.

As the levels progress, one stingtail becomes two, then three, but if you stay in the center of the screen, none of them can get you before you get your three shocks in.

You can either press ‘End Game’ and send your score when you have 150 points, or, if you’re curious or want a high score, go all the way to the end of the levels. Either way, it’s an easy 3,000 neopoints every day.

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