Extreme Herder Guide by tiggoo13

Hello! Below is a guide for Extreme Herder! The game doesn’t seem so easy but here’s a guide to help you! By the way, when you send your score in Extreme Herder, they multiply your points by 4! So, if you got 101 points, you’d get 404 neopoints! Good luck!

1. At the beginning, note where the openings of the pen are. This information will be very useful to you in the next levels. Then, check where the petpets are. The opening with the most petpets near it should be used. Bring all of the petpets surrounding that area to the nearest opening. If one of your pets has wandered off, drop your current pet by pressing SPACE BAR and rush to the pet because Balthazar might eat it!

2. If possible, try to get the blud snowflakes that freeze Balthazar. That way, you’ll have enough time to retrieve the pets that are near him. If your pets are near Balthazar but you are far from them, get the blue snowflake and then, get the orange ball so that you can rush to get save your pets!

3. Never stay close to Balthazar! He can eat you too, you know! Then, if you were carrying a pet, Balthazar could eat that pet too and that means losing 2 lives or chances to earn more points!

4. Always save the pets closest to Balthazar first. They are the ones in danger. ; ) Bring them to the closest opening. Then, when you are done, rush to the other pets.

5. Always note the no. of openings remaining. As you move to higher levels, the openings dissapear. Try to get the pets to the nearest opening. They’ll usually crowd near the opening at the start of the level.

Well, that’s all I can give you! I hope this helps. Remember! Do not PANIC! Get the pets that are closest to Balthazar first! Then, rescue the other pets. Use the blue snowflake so that you have enough time to rescue the pets nearest to Balthazar. Bring the pets to the nearest opening. Anyway, good luck in your game and I hope that I have given enough help to you. Have a nice day!

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