So you’re wondering, how can I be serious? Well how do you think the Neorich got rich? It’s really quite simple. This guide will teach you how to make at least 1 million NP/month, 2 or more if you put the time in.
The first thing you need to make neopoints is… neopoints!
First to all the free dailies, there’s a handful of games I keep on my favorite list. I hardly play them now, but when I started up they came in handy to raise revenue.
All of these games earn quick and big NP. For more information on strategy for these games, look at the relevant guides under the game section of PPT.
- Dubloon Disaster
- Hasee Bounce
- Meerca Chase II
- Neverending Boss Battle
- Nimmos Pond
- Turmac Roll
- Ultimate Bullseye
- Whack-A-Kass
I can play out 3 rounds of each of those in under an hour, for an easy total of 10-12,000 NP.
Now, The Real Secret of Making NP – Restocking
If you’re new to Neopets, this may need some explaining. All the Neopian shops release items periodically, some of these items are more rare than others. The key is to buy the rare items at a low price, then put them into your own shop for a much, much higher price.
I personally restock in two shops. This allows me to jump back and forth, refreshing each page, waiting for new items to be released.
Which shops you decide to use doesn’t matter. Yes, some are better than others. But if I tell you the name of one or two shops, and then everyone who reads this guide uses only those shops, competition to actually get rare items would go up, and no one would be helped by this guide. One hint is to deal in items that are one time use- they have a much better and faster moving market. This means food, medicine, books, many scrolls, weapons, etc.
The key is to learn the product line at one or two shops. Learn which items you can resell for more than you buy them for, then always be on the lookout for those items. I personally like to purchase items that I can re-sell for 5-10x more than I buy them, but in a pinch, I’ll buy anything I can make profit on.
Don’t be too hung up on half-price day. (The 3rd of every month) The competition to restock on these days is so harsh you’ll likely make far less then on any other day.
Now take the items and stock your shop. Always be low seller, otherwise you’ll never sell your stock. I like to turnover anything I purchase within 24 hours. To make sure you’re low seller, use the shop wizard. Remember, the shop wizard doesn’t search all of the Neopian shops at once, so you’ll have to keep searching until you’re confident you know the lowest price. And make sure you’re the lowest price on the list you’ll be appearing on– the list with other people who have the same first letter in their name as you.
You don’t need to undercut by much- a couple of NP is all it takes to be the low seller, so when someone is looking for a product, they see you first.
If you see someone selling something in their shop for way less than you know you can sell it for, buy it and resell it! You may not be getting it as cheap as from the Neopian shop it originated from, but profit is profit! If I’m about to sell something I know is worth 40,000 NP, and when I’m searching the wizard I see someone selling for 30,000 NP.. I’ll buy it and resell it, 10,000 NP is 10,000 NP.
The best time for restocking is at night- I personally do it between midnight and 3am Neopian time. There is far less competition from other restockers, meaning I can often snag very rare items which I can resell for huge profit.
On a good night I can make 40-50K / hour restocking, and might spend an hour or two doing so.
Warning- if you refresh the shops too often, you will get restock banned. This means all Neopian shops will appear empty to you, for at least 6 hours, sometimes lasting up to 3 days. So be careful, limit yourself to two shops, and only refresh once every 2 or 3 seconds, and limit yourself to a couple hours a night doing this.
Other Tips For Saving Your NP
Don’t play any of the carnival games- none of them pay out.
Avoid the Scratch Kiosks- the Scratch cards rarely pay anything.
The only gambling games worth playing are Scorchy Slots (Where you can win Faeries and Treasure Map Peices, which you can resell for huge NP), and maybe Dice-A-Roo, although mostly all you win is food there.
Also, never pay good money to cure your pet of an illness. Just bring them to the healing springs. It may take a few visits, but the healing springs will eventually cure your pet of any ailment.
If you’re intent on training your pet, use the Academy for at least level 1-20 – don’t train your level up until you’ve trained all other stats to the max. The Acadamy is far cheaper than the Training School, since both the One and Two dubloon coins go for about 3000NP, as opposed to the 6000NP you’ll lay out for a main codestone for the Training School.
Good luck. If you don’t think it can be done, the proof is in the pudding. I’ve been playing Neopets for exactly one month today. I have 600,000 NP in the bank. I have access to the pet laboratory, and the pet-pet laboratory. (Approx value 540,000 NP) I have a neohome which I’ve dumped over 200,000 into. (Full upgrades on all extensions, 17 stone rooms, some furnishings.) My pet is level 15, with all other stats at 28. He’s equipped with about 100,000 NP worth of stuff.
And mind you, I’d never even heard of Neopets before a month ago- I’m not an experienced player with a new account, I’m a new player with a new account. Most of this wealth came from the last 15 days, after I’d perfected my strategy. If I continue to play (which I may not, I tend to master a game then quit it), I expect to make over 2 million NP in the next 30 days.
Don’t forget to have fun. No matter how many NP I have, I always play Whack-A-Kass, every day. – Sa_mm_le
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