Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars Guide by kauvarvo

A game of skill and talent..but who am I to brag, anyway

Evil Fuzzles From Beyond The Stars is a game that can be enjoyedif you know what your doing.

First off. Dont spend time rounding up small bonuses. Shoot all the fuzzles you can and when the Approaching Station appears in the top right corner of your walkers visual screen, shoot the bonus box.

Secondly.. DONT SHOOT ALL THE MINES!!!! Only the one that appears right in front of you. And dont worry about shooting the mines, because as long as you dont shoot an Air Shot (A shot that doesnt hit anything) your bonus will be unharmed.

Third.If you dont get the upgraded gun each turn, dont worry about it, so youll have to do a little extra shooting..big deal!!! First when things start to get to speedy for you get the Radar. and also Stun Bombs and Smart Bombs are also of use when your in trouble.

Fourth.. Use some of your points to repair you hull. When your hull damage reaches below 35 make sure to get hull repairs.

FifthStun Bombs and Smart Bombs are also of use when youre in trouble. Dont be afraid to use those points.

Sixth..All thats left is to say good luck and good shooting. – kauvarvo

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