In this guide I will walk you through the steps of running a successful guild. In particular, I will highlight 10 things that you need to consider when starting your very own Neopets guild.
I will tell you now it is not going to be easy. Most guilds that are started on Neopets do not progress beyond the initial first day. Want to know why? It all comes down to planning.
I have put some topics below which will help you plan out your guild so that it can start you off on your journey to becoming the best guild master on Neopets. Each topic will contain questions that you should ask yourself and reasons for those questions.
How much time do you have t dedicate to you guild?
You need to take into account different timezones. For example, the time different between the UK and USA is 5 – 8 hours. Can you get online throughout the day at different points of the day?
You need to be on line daily so you can check your neomails, guild status and basically to make sure the guild is running smoothly with no chaos.
Leader Checklist
- Do you know how guilds work?
- Do you know HTML/CSS?
- Do you understand things like guild administration?
- Do you have good literacy skills? Are you literate?
- Are you creative?
- Can you handle pressure? 10 members are asking you different questions at once; what do you do?
Name and Theme
- What should you call you guild?
- I have noticed guilds with names like “**~ guild name ~**”. This is not an appealing.
- You guild name needs to be simple and unique.
- It also needs to be catchy and memorable.
- Just because Harry Potter or Twilight is all the craze this week will it be just as popular next week?
- Expanding on the above, if you are going to do a Harry potter theme guild, perhaps it would be a better idea to make your guild a magic themed guild.
- Neopets is always a good theme for a guild in my experience.
- In my experience I find themeless guilds are more successful.
Who should be on council? The council is one the most important parts of your guild. You need to take into account the following:
- Can you trust your council?
- What can they offer? For example can they make graphics?
- How active are they?
- How dedicated are they?
- What do they want from the guild?
What’s in the Guild?
This all pretty much goes down to your theme. Let’s say your guild is Harry Potter:
- Do you have 4 teams?
- Do you have magic points?
- Do you magic lessons?
- Do you have a fan clubs?
- Do you have role play?
Guild Add-ons
Guild add-ons are things like:
- Webbie
- Activities
- Riddles
- Trivia
- Neopets help guides
- Points system. I would use Petpages for these.
A Few Things Explained
Webbie: A webbie is a page where you have all your guild information on. Do you have the following?
- What’s new.
- What’s coming.
- Whats’ happening.
- What’s the guild about.
- An explanation of guild ranks.
- A section for guild rules.
- An area for goodies like graphics, times, avatar help, etc.
Don’t forget to update your webbie often.
Points System
Most guilds used points systems now as giveaways and prizes are banned. So you may say who ever has most points this week can buy 3 codestones for 1 neopoint. That is not a giveaway as the member has to pay 1 neopoint. Ways members can earn points:
- Donating 1,000 neopoints = 5 points
- Recruiting a guild member = 20 points
- 1st place in an activity = 30 points
This is the most Important thing on the guild. It is the first thing that everyone sees so consider the following points carefully.
- Is it easy to read the text?
- Does the picture match the guild? A Harry Potter guild would have a Harry Potter layout.
- Is the design clear and easy or do members need to squint there eyes to see it?
- Does the information on the layout make it obvious what kind of guild it is?
- Is the guild design nice?
If you go through all these 10 steps and think carefully before starting your guild, you’ll be in good stead.
Even if you have already started your guild, going through this guide to help you revamp your guild will also be beneficial.
Good luck and happy neopetting. – Chaz