Wheel of Excitement Guide

Want to know what you’re really getting yourself into before you start spinning the Wheel of Excitement? Then take a look at the compilation of what you can win from this exciting wheel.

Crossbones – Your active pet gets sick.

Fire Ghoul – All your neopets are burned by fire except fire colored pets resulting in your pet losing hit points. (The hit points can be regained by healing your pet)..

Pant Devil – One of your items in your inventory is stolen by the Pant Devil.

Lightning Bolt – One of your pets is struck by lighting causing it to lose hit points. (The hit points can be regained by healing your pet).

The Dark Faerie – She will lower a random neopets skill point or cackle insanely if you neopet doesn’t have any blessed skills. To have faerie skills bestowed on your neopet, release a bottled faerie on it. Note that if your neopet isn’t a high enough level, the freed faerie will simply fly away so you should consider increasing your neopet’s level at the various training schools.

Question Mark – This will give you a random amount of neopoints under 100.

Light Faerie – The Light Faerie will increase one of your pet’s skills. Note that you must already have a blessed skill on your neopet. To have faerie skills bestowed on your neopet, release a bottled faerie on it. Note that if your neopet isn’t a high enough level, the freed faerie will simply fly away so you should consider increasing your neopet’s level at the various training schools.

Heal – This will heal your pet.

Magic – This will give you a random magic item.

100 – This will give you 100 neopoints.

200 – This will give you 200 neopoints.

500 – This will give you 500 neopoints.

1,000 – This will give you 1000 neopoints.

2,000 – This will give you 2000 neopoints.

Secret Item – Something mysterious happens to your neopet, but you don’t know what it is.

10,000 – This will give you 10000 neopoints.

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