Since they have gotten rid of Ultimate Bullseye 1, you now have to play the newer one.
The point system is 30 NP for every 1 point you get in the game. So if you get a score of 11, you get 330 NP.
What I have found so far is that you can pretty much hit the target, even if you don’t move the catapult up or down.
All you really have to do is adjust how long you hold the space button down for how far away the target is, so if the target is close, don’t hold it as long. It will take some practice to figure how long you should hold for each distance.
If a balloon comes down from the sky, do what you can to hit it and the bullseye. It’ll give you extra points. Sometimes they are +5 and sometimes they multiply your score by a number. For example, if you hit a bullseye (10 points) and hit a balloon (x3) then you will get 30 points. Some are worth more the highest I’ve gotten so far with one arrow and hitting the balloon is 32 points.
With this one, things like Punchbag Bob and the balloon will appear randomly. So you might be going, and all of a sudden Punchbag Bob will appear instead of the bullseye.
You still get extra rewards for getting a bullseye. I have gotten the ring of fire, like in the first version. And a blue bullseye. But I did not hit the bullseye when I had the blue one, so I am not sure what it does as of yet.
I will play as much as I can to find out what they all mean. But it’s the luck of the draw when you get a bullseye, and I keep getting the ring of fire.
Starting From the Far Left Power-up and Moving to the Right: They Do:
- First: [Have not acquired yet] Moves target back and forth.
- Second: Ring of Fire. Multiplies shot score by 2. May have other advantages, but I have not come across them.
- Third: Moves the target left and right.
- Furth: [Have not acquired yet] Shoots three arrows at a time.
- Fifth: Turns the target blue. I have not made that shot yet, so I do not know about any additions to score by this yet. As long as you hit the circle it is an automatic bullseye.
A balloon. I have gotten them as +5 and +30 so far.
Another balloon. I have gotten +10 with this one.”
Ultimate Bullseye 2 Cheat
Type catapult in the game for a random powerup. This only works once per game. – Abbey Richey
IDIOT. the blue one reverses the point system.hitting the back board gets you the amount of points you’d usually get when you hit the bull’s eye. bull’s eye equals zero points. *eyeroll*