Turmac Roll Guide by pattywoopwoop

Turmac Roll is a one player action game made entirely for kids. It is a very simple game where you control a Turmac by using the arrow keys.

Pressing the right arrow key will guide the Turmac faster and to slow down you press the left arrow key. To jump you press the up arrow key. If you are wanting to increase gravity (push the Turmac down to stick closer to objects) press the down arrow key.

Now I will tell you how to make the berries that come up worth more! You can only do this on hard mode though. You speed up using the right arrow key and you then slow down by using the left arrow key. This increases you chances of receiving a juicy berry higher by 50%!

Berry Values

I always play Turmac Roll because it is a very easy game to play which doesn’t take that long. I usually score 1,000 neopoints from each send score, which is the maximum. – pattywoopwoop

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