Turmac Roll Guide by Haxxored

I think everyone knows this game is fairly straight forward but using this guide may make it easier.


If you look at the infrastructure of the points, you see that easy is “points x 1”, medium is “points x 2”, and hard is “points x 3”. This is fairly straight forward.

When choosing a level, always choose the hard level. In my opinion, there is no difference. I mean, you don’t get any faster, slower or have less berries to collect. The worse that could happen is a few more triple stumps than usual.


To be honest, I don’t think there is much of a point writing up a table to show you what points you acquire while playing the game. I find it really easy just to collect as many berries I can.


Everybody hates these (especially Turmac himself)! There are:

  • Pointed Hills: These are hills with the left half vertically straight. You get killed by landing on the point or bumping into the vertical part.
  • Tree Stumps: These are pretty straight forward. You hit the side of it, and game over.
  • Triple Stumps: The main killers! A small stump, a BIG stump and a little stump! People always tend to get killed when it comes to these.
  • Mud: It’s not really much of a killer, but they can be annoying sometimes! Getting past these obstacles is fairly simple once you can master it.

How to Get Past the Obstacles

  • Pointed Hills: These are simple to get past. There are ALWAYS (guaranteed) a hill behind it. You will see the pointed hill once you are just behind the hill, so jump the hill! When you are very close to the peak, press UP, and ZOOM! You are easily past it.
  • Tree Stumps: Jump these if they are single tree stumps, whether large or small, or if it’s a large stump, jump when you are about 1 – 2 centimeters behind it.
  • Triple Stumps: Not everyone can get past these but I have found a simple method. You know when a triple is coming simply because you can. To get past these, jump about 5 – 6 centimeters behind the small stump. Then keep pressing UP (not required, but it’s easier than to do the timing) or press UP when you are less than half a centimeter away from the small tree stump. This will cause a BIG jump over the big stump and fall on the next little stumps top. This takes time to master.
  • Mud: It’s not really a killer, just slows you down and can cause a game over if there’s a big stump or a guaranteed game over if you have a triple stump ahead of you. There’s always a hill behind these things, so just jump over them.


  1. Always hold down the right button
  2. Always collect berries of any kind if possible
  3. Always select the hard level

So I guess this concludes my guide. Hope you learned a thing or two. – Haxxored

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