Better Reception
When the cloud appears above you players head press the keys really hard and not to fast otherwise the computer doesn’t pick it up.
Update – ‘Better Reception’ is quite misleading. Keyboards do not register the degree of pressure you apply, so ‘press the keys really hard’ may very well be important. On this fellows keyboard which has bad connections. Otherwise, if your computer registers the key as pressed, the only other effect you might get from pushing a key ‘long and hard’ would be that holding the key down could trigger the key repeat feature. At any rate, I just wanted to e-mail regarding that as being a computer tech, I get frustrated seeing people banging away at their keyboard 🙂 A keyboard’s owner will typically know how much pressure they need to apply for a key stroke to register. – Will Ralphs
Pause the Game
I’ve found that one of the reasons why the upper level opponents are hard to beat is because your fingers are worn out from slamming z then x then z and so forth. I just discovered that if you sign click the game, you get the shockwave pull down thing with options. This causes the game to pretty much “pause”. If you do this a few times when you start to feel your fingers lose strength, and you get up to take a break, eat a hot pocket or something, just let them relax. Then you just regularly click the screen, the game will resume, and you will be refreshed. – Suzie