Tug-O-War Cheats

Tug-O-War Passwords

lrslsts – Theibos
sltltsr – Khadir
sslrtrl – Ramset
lrlrss – Horak

Stop the Game to Get the Cloud

When a cloud comes up click and hold the top of the screen so it will freeze the game and look what it says inside the cloud, then let go of the top and press the letters. This is so you don’t break your concentration trying to press z & x. – DBZTrunx10

The “Select All” Secret

When playing as Horak, right click. There will be a menu that only has one option available on it. Click “Select All” and it will give you a Code Cloud. This will only work twice per level. – Hwolos

“Oh Yea!!!”

When you pull your opponent into the river, click F right when they fall and a red liquid (blood?) will spurt out of the water with the words “Oh yea!!!” written in it. – wild_fire_1187

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