Trusting Your Best Friends: Good or Bad? by Neofrog140

I have been playing neopets since early August of 2001. I never had been hacked by anybody and I was very rich. Not to brag or anything, but I had about 7 million NP from buying, selling, playing games, etc. I also had many very rare items that I just kept for no really good reason. I guess I thought that I’d do something with them someday… but I never did. Then, in the winter when I found out that two of my REALLY good friends from school played neopets, I was sooo happy! Then I actually had somebody I knew in real life to talk to on Neopets and get help from and give help to. We always were in each others accounts playing games for each other and helping each other get rich. My two friends (let’s call them.. eh.. well.. Stacy and Barb..) were always a little jelous that I had more NP and items than they did. They both had about half of a million.

Now, before I go on… I want you to understand this: These were people I really trusted. People who had spent the night at my house. People that did homework for the other one. We were a tight group of friends for pete’s sake!! Then, one night.. there was this party and we were all invited. It was a pool party. But the odd part was: the whole time, neither one of them spoke to me. I knew something was wrong. Then, I guess “Stacy” spent the night at “Barb’s” house that night. And… that’s not all they did…

When I woke up the next morning, I discovered that VERY SINGLE ITEM AND EVERY SINGLE NEOPOINT was gone. Everything. Just gone! When I started to cry over it (yes.. I know, pathetic to cry over neopets but…) I realized what happened. They took it. So, I called and the line was busy. “Good. They’re online. I’ll email them right now.” I thought to myself. And guess what? They said no, we’re not giving anything back.

Hmmmmmm… turns out that they thought I hacked their accounts. And stuff was missing from their accounts. But I didn’t do it. I did get my Neopoints back as it turned out. But they split the items. “Stacy” sold all of hers. I ended up getting the np she sold it for, though. (All because my mom called her mom but that’s another story…) And “Barb” just gave me back the items.

I changed the password now but I lost two friends. “Stacy” and “Barb” just didn’t think what they id was wrong. They thought of it as revenge. Ended up, they never got their stuff back from whoever hacked it (which was another girl from school…) and I hate to say this but: they deserved it. But maybe this true story will help you not give your password out to anybody. Even if you are best friends. Because… you could lose all of your NP or items, but more importantly: you can lose your friends. This story didn’t end up with a happy ending because to this day we are no longer friends. But: you can prevent this from happening.

NOTE: I know a lot of people say “Don’t give out your passwords!” I ignored it and I know for a fact that a lot of others do too. But, if you do ignore it, it’s your loss. It was mine. So please, I beg you never tell a soul. Even if they don’t play neopets, you never know who they just might tell. – Neofrog140

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