Tricks Seen (and Some Not Seen) in Other Guides For Neopoints by spawnofsloth666

Here I’m going to talk about some tricks that are obvious and some that are not to make you some np in Neopia.

1) Play games: You’ve heard it before and I’ll say it again. It’s the best way and probably fastest to making np in Neopia.

2) Invest in the stock market: Some say don’t with the 15 np/share policy but if it goes below 15 its a certainty it’ll go above again, and the Pant Devil cant swipe your investments!

3) Do your daily tasks: Tombola, Fruit Machine, Coltzan’s Shrine… You’ve heard it all before. Additionally, sell your omelettes which you can get for free in Tyrannia. You may ask, “How do I feed my pet?” and that’s when the rare trick comes in.

4) Put your pet in the Neolodge. That’s right. For 140 np, your pet will be fed for 28 days allowing u to make a estimate of 420 np off your omelettes (20 average price x 28 days – 140 for Neolodge).

5) Restock: Get good prices from main shops or Shop Wizard and sell for more (obvious I know). Also watch the news for wars and other events that may affect pricing because a potion that’s 20 np now may be worth 500 at war time!

6) Collecting and the Trading Post: Get grouped items (codestones, map pieces, faeries, avatar goals) through random events or bargains via the Shop Wizard or auction and make a healthy profit.

I hope my guide has helped you and if you have any other questions or want to talk, I can be contacted on Neopets by my username spawnofsloth666. – spawnofsloth666

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