Tips For Neopets Success by lemonlovingcutie

Set a Goal!

A helpful way to earn neopoints is to set a goal. One of my goals is to put a minimum of 2,000np in my bank account each day and it worked, I now have 56,000np! Another good goal to have is to have a certain item that you want I will use a baby Paint Brush as an example, lets say that you currently have 10,000np well if you make a goal like I told you about a few minutes ago you will have that paint brush in no time!

Quest to do or not to do that is the question!

As we all know or I hope we do at least, some times they are great and sometimes well they are not worth it at all! When you get a random quest you should definitely give it a try! If the item that the faerie is looking for is not to expensive or expensive but you can pay this is the place for you all you have to do is go to the quests section on the neoboards and the neopians there are glad to help you! All you have to do is post and nicely say what you need and offer to pay, sometimes the person will just give the item to you! But be sure to thank that person and do not ask for items that you do not actually need for a quest you would not want people doing that to you!

Snow Faerie Quests!

The Snow Faerie is a kind faerie who only asks for a few items and usually they are not that expensive! She will most likely reward you with rare items and some neopoints! But be warned sometimes her quests are not worth doing, if the items that she wants are more that 5,000np do not do it, because unlike Jhudora and Illusens quest they do not have levels and sometimes less likely though she does not reward you very well but like I said that is not as likely!

Please feel free to neomail me my username is lemonlovingcutie or you can also email me at

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