Thing I Hate About Neopets by milan858

1. “I’m Hillary Duff/Lindsey Lohan/some celebrity” topics on the boards.

2. The constant redundant topics. People! Look before you post. There’s at least a dozen threads talking about the neocharge, whining about it, saying it’s a joke, telling you to do such-and-such thing to find out the joke.

3. “I rate so-and-so” threads. Do you really think anyone cares what you think of their ID/petpage/profile? Even worse are the people who submit their pages or IDs to be rated and actually listen to the person rating.

4. The character per post limit. Suppose someone actually wants to write something longer than two words? Like this list? It’s a bit inconvenient having to break it down into little posts like that.

5. “I’m reporting you for such-and-such” people. Aww, we hurt your feelings so you’re going to whine to admin and get us <i>frozen</i>. Oh, no, please don’t use your all-powerful 2-month user status to do away with us! We’ll behave! (ha. You’re a joke.)

6. The various neopets that scowl at me when I click a broken link or do something wrong. What happened to an Error 404? Graphics waste bandwidth, people. Waste not . . .

7. The truly horrendous English I have to endure while reading these boards. Would it kill you to write a comprehensible, grammatically correct sentence for once? Obviously you think so, because all I ever see around here is something like: “OMG this is like so totally freaky/weird/cool/awesome me n my bff r like totally goin 2 cali 2morow n we r gonna have so much fun it’s gr8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” *TEARS HAIR OUT*

8. The fact that I have to wait 12 hours to post my list on the boards. I want to post now, dangit!

9. People who can’t be bothered to learn basic HTML and have to ask people to make pet pages for them.

10. “I’m leaving Neopets so I’m going to give away all my items” people that dump their crap items off on people for some weird reason and then never leave.

11. “Where do I get such-and-such rare item?” threads. Try a SHOP.

12. “I need neofriends” threads and the people that befriend everyone who posts one.

13. Thread topics comprised of emoticons. Yeah, we’re so interested in your thread. It must be so great that you couldn’t think of a title and had to fill it with smilies.

14. People who post “I need help” in the Help board. Well, thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought for a second that you were auctioning off Beanie Babies.

15. The latest onslaught of “how many neopoints do you owe?” threads in response to the Neocharge.

16. The utter transparency of the Neocharge prank. “We have over two hundred servers (bull) but they’re all crap so we have to start charging for bandwidth.” Neopets is not so destitute that they have to charge to move around the site. My God, who would fall for this? Besides, if it were real, what would happen when everyone ran out of money and thus couldn’t afford the bandwidth to make more? Try again.

17. People who insist on telling everyone about long-revealed “secrets”. We all know about the Hidden Tower and that secret world and tons of other things. You can be quiet now.

18. People who get all upset because their neopet is “dying.” It’s a cluster of coding, people, that’s all, and it can be dying for months and never go away. – milan858

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