The Truth About the Snowager by mine3434

Have you ever wondered about the background behind the infamous Snowager well Ive devoted my excellent brain to bring my viewers the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Who is he? How did he come to live in his cave? And how on earth did he get that pile of treasure well I’m here to explore some of the possibilities.

My first theory is that he has two little Grundos that while the unsuspecting treasure hunter sneaks into the cave the grundos steal their items and promptly put them on the pile waking up the Snowager every time. Also why does it seem all he has is neggs yet you rarely find one I believe that he has a collage of pictures of neggs that he uses as a blanket and his so called treasure is just junk hidden by a well made blanket.

I personally have met him hes just a big softie he was scared of punch bag bob when I visited the battledome with him.

My second theory is he is evolved in a plot with the notorious sloth in which to weaken all of Neopia’s pets so he can invade. Sloth provides all the funding for this evil scheme.

I have an exclusive interview with sloth himself brace yourselves for the grand daddy of them all SLOTH THE INVADER.

Mine3434: Tell me sloth why have we not heard of you in the last year are you buckled down on a new plot or have you been looking for your pink Cybunny plushie called pinkie?

Sloth: who let him in guards guards where are you.. thats it! Your fired. I might as well answer your petty mortal questions the answer is a bit of bo Ooops I mean I have been in hibernation because a young sloth like me needs his beauty sleep.

Mine3434: Also I would like to ask you if you have anything to do with the Snowager?


So there you have it folks wise words wise words indeed from a wonderful person note the sarcasm.

I leave you today with a comment from me. I personally would recommend never going to the Snowager again in your lifetime and also never go and converse in business with anybody from the haunted forest, Tyrannia, Darigan Citadel, Kreludor, Virtupets Space Station, Krawk Island and definitely not Sloth. I’m being serious here never go near him he will send his army of robotic Grundos after you like he did to me actually never go near any of the places in Neopia actually never even got to Neopia stay on your quiet little home plant in the constellation of soddlens in the galaxy we like to call the milky way where you can play games and get points for free and you can send the score as much as you like and. SO thank you and goodnight – mine3434

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