The Pink Poogle Toy Show 29: The Neopets Notice Board, Battledome, Missing Items, Neopets Competitors and Racism Edition

Episode 29 of The PPT Show unites Kym Huynh, Evan and Drake (or his alter ego Demon) as the second group on this week’s host-packed recording session. (We had so many hosts that we had to split the recording up into two teams.) With topics on discussion such as whether people actually notice what is on the Neopets Notice Board, whether or not the battledome is essentially to Neopets or biased towards certain Neopians, unreleased items that are M.I.A. (missing in action), Neopets’ competitors, and whether or not Neopets is racist, tune in for an exciting episode of The PPT Show.

9 thoughts on “The Pink Poogle Toy Show 29: The Neopets Notice Board, Battledome, Missing Items, Neopets Competitors and Racism Edition”

  1. LOL! I was laughing so hard when Kym was trying to pronounce my username…I guess it is a little daunting. It would be like this separated out: pink flamingo newsgirl.

    Thanks for covering Snow Faerie Quests and the Cooking Pot. Personally, I’ve never recieved anything from the Snow Faerie Quests that was profitable from doing them, as much as I think Taelia is the coolest. Also, I noticed that the podcasters didn’t mention that there is a list of Cooking Pot recipes at PPT’s Neodex here:

    k thx 😀

  2. So that’s how you say it! I was looking at it thinking, “Oh no, I’m going to sound like an ass trying to pronounce this username.”

    You’re welcome regarding covering the quests. I’ll make sure we all mention the cooking pot recipes on the NeoDex next episode.

  3. OMG EVAN’S COMPLETELY COPYING DAVE’S STYLE! All the words Dave uses, and in the style Dave hosts this show and Neo Cast! GEEZ Evan think up your own stuff! Do you NEED to always work off other people?

  4. Hey Kris. Not a nice comment to make. When we’re learning, we all absorb the style and nuances of the other person even if it is unintentional as that is how we improve, by having a point of reference. No one is born professional and amazing straight away, it’s a process we all go through, even me and Dave.

  5. ROFL. I gonna die laughing so hard from listening to PPT or just anyone talk who has somthing to do with PPT.

    WARNING: PPT is dangrous to your health! But who cares about health? Listen to it anyway!

    And I agree with Kris kind of that he is kind of talking like Dave. But He could not mean to do that. I talk like dave sometimes randmly and don’t mean to. I even do that with the britsh acent. And I agree with Kym to.

    Other then that LOVE the podcast.

  6. Yeah If you can’t stop laughing you kind of can’t breath. I’m really not in to HP. *Hides from an angrey moop of fans* Or how ever you spell that word.

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