The Neopets Plague by kiwi_kitsune

I have played Neopets since it came out, that’s a long time. The beginning, it was clean. With laughing children and gumdrop rivers. So what happened to the tranquility?

It all burned down.

Google, free cursors, college funds, we salute you. No really. You tore down Neopets, spat on it, lit it on fire and laughed in twisted delight as the whole thing just became a tangled mess. Only the greatest in corporate sell-outs can achieve that much. So far, I have seen ads for free cursors (Including one of a cigarette), Canada, Orbitz, colleges, dating sites, ring tones, great deals on Neopets, and the rest goes on. I’m sure the numerous 9 year olds would love to travel to Canada with Orbitz. And ya know, that cigarette cursor? I think it’ll look great on my shop front, ya? Dating sites, studies show that dating sites have a high chance of ending in a mess. In other words, bitter failure.

And what does the ad for a dating site and college imply? That you need to get off your rump and go to college or get a girl/boyfriend because vegging in front of the computer playing Neopets will get you no where? The message is loud and clear Neopets. I’ll be sure to go to college and be too busy to play on your site that, for the lack of better words, prostitutes. You sell your site to companies for money and make the Neopets experience miserable for the rest of us. I don’t use that word lightly, but with what Neopets is doing to us now.

And I recall that Neopets said there will never be pop-up ads. He he… no. I have gotten five pop ups on Neopets in the last WEEK. I had no other windows open, computer was scanned and completely clean.

Neopets, we salute you for making our online existence miserable. Good day.

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