The Faerie Quests by ioana1127579130670

What are the faerie quests?
The Faeries of Neopia have decided to award the most adventurous and courageous pets with special gifts. If you think your pet is up to one of their challenges, then it may well be granted extra experience, strength, health, immense riches, or even a stash of rare items. All you need to do is complete their challenge. Each one requires a certain item which you must find and then return to them in order to complete your quest. On completion of your Quest, the Faerie will decide which of your pets is worthy of her reward.

Fire Faerie
This Faerie keeps scorching her outfit and needs more clothes. In return she will increase your pet’s strength.

Light Faerie
The Light Faerie requires specific trading cards and will raise your pet’s level.

Earth Faerie
In return for certain magic items, the Earth Faerie will give one of your pets a grand feast!

Air Faerie
The Air Faerie wants certain beauty products to make her more radiant. In return she will make your pet more swift.

Dark Faerie
The Dark Faerie requires some test subjects for her spells. Bring her a model or toy and she will increase your pet’s health in return.

Water Faerie
Water Faeries will raise your defense for a price. They are hungry for knowledge, and if you provide what they need, they can be very generous.

The Faerie Queen
On rare occasions you will be offered a quest from the most powerful Faerie of all. Be warned, her challenge will be very tough, but if your pets are up to it, her rewards are great. – ioana1127579130670

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