Ah, The Buzzer Game… a fixture at carnivals and such and it finally has made it’s way to Neopia. All you need to do is movie a little wire loop along a set path! Easy right? Well, not really. Just a little warning though, if you don’t have a steady hand and tons of patience, this may not be the game for you.
Before you start, I would HIGHLY suggest having an optical mouse (the ones with the little red lights) as they are much more precise and easier to control than the rollerball mouses. Now, start the game up on the largest setting possible which allows you to see the distance between the track and the wire loop much more clearly.
Upon playing this game numerous times, I found that there is a simple way to avoid touching the track and losing the game. When moving the loop up and down, focus on keeping space visible between the loop and the track on the sides. Similarly when moving from side to side, keep space between the track and the top and bottom of the loop. Don’t worry about the depth of the loop since this is a 2D game. Some levels (like level 4) would be impossible in real life!
In each level you start with 30 bonus points that tick away as time elapses. In the early levels, it is much easier to go for the bonus points. Especially if you’re just starting out, don’t worry about the bonus points. You get 20 points just for finishing a level, and if you’re going for bonus points you tend to lose a lot of lives. Lives = More level finishes and More Level finishes = More Neopoints in the end.
Starting at level 3 the evil Techo running the game starts trying to distract you. Some of these you can control and some you cannot. Turning off the sound on your computer is a great way to rid yourself of some of these, because the sound is more likely to make you jump than the moving pictures. This also rids you of the annoying clicking of the bonus point meter. Visual distractions include: fruit falling in the background, the Techo sticking his tongue out, and the Techo’s eyes turning red. If you are easily distracted and one of these things occur, the best thing to do is hold your mouse steady and STOP. Resume what you were doing after the movement stops.
Crisis Control
Sometimes, things unexpectedly happen. Here’s how I try to fix them:
Running out of space: Sometimes, you literally run yourself into a corner with your mouse. If you reach the edge of your desk, or run into something (like your printer) lift your mouse STRAIGHT UP and move it back to where you started. This is another reason why having an optical mouse is a must.
Frustration: Admit it, this game is very trying on your nerves. If you’re going for the high score, take it one level at a time. Do one level or two then take a break… check auctions, trades and come back. It’s much easier to do one level at a time than 25 in a row. If you’re really angry take a nice long break from the game.
Sneezing: Not much you can do about this one. This is why I lost better than you, but oh well. See above for frustration. 🙂
Sticking: When you stop in the middle of a “run” your mouse might stick a little bit when you try to start back up and cause you to jolt into the track. Lift the mouse a teeny tiny bit above your desk when you’re starting to avoid this.