Cesium’s Plushie Tycoon Guide Cesium – Version 2004-02-23


This guide describes details of the Plushie Tycoon implementation and provides some of the background mathematical analysis needed to play Plushie Tycoon well.

I am not really qualified to write this guide. I’ve been playing Plushie Tycoon for about three weeks. As you read this guide, you will see that there are numerous areas where I don’t know how something works in the game. However, I haven’t seen any Plushie Tycoon guide yet that goes into the same level of detail as this guide does.

Copyright issues: This document is now firmly in the public domain. I reserve no rights. If you can figure out a way to profit off this document, feel free. If you know the answers to any of the questions I raise in this document, or you have suggestions for better organizations or better details, send me email at cesium62@yahoo.com.