Freaky Factory Tips

Practice the game in small mode

Practice the game in Small mode (640×480). It makes the game harder, but it improves your skill rapidly. After 10-20 games try playing it again in Normal mode (800×600). You’ll probably find it much easier now to advance to the higher levels and achieve a better score. – epona666

The works of vat missed blobs

If a blob hits a robber, he will go away. If it hits a plushie, it will change the color of the plushie to the color of the blob. Neither gives waste. The only time waste will occur is if the blob misses everything entirely. – someorangegirlingreen

Mop ‘n’ Bop Guide by Nergye

Ok. Mop ‘n’ Bop is, basically, a pretty easy game. All you need is an hour or so spare, enough patience to keep going for a big score, and more practically, the ability to work out the relative speeds of the different petpets. I’ll come back to that.

The basic premise of the game is this: You are playing as the Yurble Janitor from the Altador plot-line. You are wandering round the Altador Hall Of Heroes, trying to keep the floor clean, but a load of dirty petpets are walking round in the other direction, messing it up as quickly as you can clean it. Most people would give it up as a bad job, put up a sign saying that the Hall Of Heroes is closed, and THEN clean it, but not out trusty Yurble. He’s dedicated.

Escape to Kreludor Tips

Gain extra points

If you reach a point where you’re totally surrounded by enemies who are going to crash into you on their next move, press the space bar to fire, even if it isn’t your move. Sometimes, if you’re quick enough, you will score points for shooting some of the enemy fighters before they crash into you. – fruitrach

General tips to keep in mind

When you first start the game there is a gem somewhere on the field to grab. If it not a purple or white gem I suggest starting the game over. Points are hard to earn so purple gems are important to grab. White gems are rare is grabbing them will also help.

Feed Florg Tips

A quick way to get 600 neopoints

Hi I have been trying out all these get 10,000 NP in a day things and I would just like to add that with the game Feed Florg a little hint just for getting a few extra NP a day is to just hold down a left or right arrow button while playing it. Your hand trying to control the pets will spin round the table catching most pets, even though a few will seem as if they are already off the table by the time your hand gets there but will be kept on by the hand going at breakneck speed round the table. As the levels get harder this plan will slowly fail but at least you can get around 600 neopoints a day (around 200 per game). This may not be a very good hint for the experienced players but for the people out there who arent very good at the games this is a way to get a quick 600 neopoints. Hope this helps! – Dark Dealer

Tips on How to Heal

When you get beat in a battledome fight or something, you might want to fight again, but you won’t be able to because you neopet is healing SLOWLY. Here are some ways to heal faster;


#1: Healing Springs:
Go To The Healing Springs.

#2: Battle Yourself:
Battle Yourself (Use Bronze Dragon Stone Or Amulet Of Life Or The Ability Heal Or Bless etc.) or a friend and leave.

#3: Wheel of Excitement:
The Wheel Can Heal You Sometimes.

User the drain life ability

Submitted by sakhee
First of all, you will need the ability ‘Drain Life’ which can be gained by blessing your neopet with a ‘Dark Bottled Faerie’. Note that your neopet will have to be at least level 21 before it can gain the ability from the dark faerie. Once the ability is activated, enter a fight with Punchbag Bob and use the ability. You will heal 100 hit points! If you need more, just exit the fight and enter it again. Repeat!