Meriball Tips

Easy First Round Wins

In Meriball, if you run to the opposite corner to your opponent and serve, they usually won’t have time to get to the ball. i.e. If your opponent is standing on left, run to extreme top right and vice versa. Only works on first couple rounds, but will save you a little time and give you the chance to gain those bigger scores! – dj_don2004

How to Make a Lot of Neopoints and Other Tips by shaistasohrab

OK, if you want to make NPs, everyone knows you’ve got to play games! There’s no “easy way out.” So, I’ve put together a guide so you can get easy NPs by playing games, etc. In fact, using this guide, I’ve gotten over 44,000 NPs in 2 days.

Everyone knows about the freebies.
-Coltzan’s Shrine
-Fruit Machine
-Giant Omellete
-Jelly (found in Jelly World)

Also, every month you can get 2,000 free neopoints. Go to: Also, your pets get one free piece of food each!

Now, onto feeding your pets. Don’t waste your money on food. I haven’t fed them, and they haven’t died.

Also, spin all the wheels every day, but not the wheel of monotony, unless you have hours to spare.

Slushie Slinger Tips

The Flavour of the Sluhie Doesn’t Matter

I was playing Sluhie Slinger and I didn’t feel like getting the right flavours to the right people so I just gave them the slushie that was right across from them. As it turns out, the flavor of the slushie does not matter at all. If they ask for a green slushie and you give them a pink slushie instead, the customer does not care and you don’t lose any lives. It makes the game really easy. – by micsun

Gourmet Club Bowls Tips

Use a ruler

The first thing I use when playing this game is a ruler or straight edge I think you can guess why.

When you’re stuck up, festering old opponent decides to do a master shot knocking your ball away and his ball closer then use the old count_mikeula trick: Move your Cybunny up to the top or bottom of the screen (which ever is more helpful) but don’t go all the way up, this is important.

Place your ruler on the computer screen and judge you shot from there to line up with your opponents ball. Use a full power shot on it.

Stock Market Tips

Fail Proof Profit

As soon as you go to the stock market click on bargains. When the page comes up buy a stock that is the lowest (usually 6) and if there are multiple stocks of say 6, buy the stock that has gone down the most. This stock is bound to go up because not only cant go much lower to what it is, but it will almost definately recover from its fall. By doing this everyday you will make huge profits and then you’ll be able to conquer the stock market! – Henry White