Common Scams by dizelda

Hey I’m dizelda well that’s my sn on neopets. Here’s something to read so you’ll keep safe from getting scammed. Getting scammed really sucks, But there’s NO point of email or or, I emailed these places a couple of time they just said “Thank you for submitting your problem we will get to it as soon as we can” Its been about 9 months since then I still haven’t got my account back! So if you ever get an account stolen just remember “Its all part of life” Some times good things will happen, And sometimes bad things. I got scammed 2 times! Here’s some tips how NOT to get scammed:

Scamming/Hacking – A White Rabbit’s Hackers Point of View by ladymcalpine2001

The name’s ladymcalpine2001. I’ve been with Neopets for 21 months now, and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. But I’ve been the victim of 9 account hacks – my pet, babatasha, is the sole survivor of those 9 hacks. All my other pets were frozen/deleted.

My stupidity was the cause of the first 2 hacks – scammers if you will. The third, fourth and fifth times were through who I thought were TRUSTED Neofriends. Sixth was through someone deciding my account with 2.8 million NP would be good to share, which resulted in it being frozen. Seventh and eight times were through blatant smartasses being “cool” on Neopets. And the Ninth was only recently…

Neopoints – The Simple Tips by flowlia

We all know that getting Neopoints can be difficult. There are always temptations to buy things in Neopia. There are also scammers. This is a Neopoints guide that will tell you the real deal for getting Neopoints. Now, when you think about it, it is all about breaking it down. A easy way to get one hundred thousand (100,000) neopoints in just a ten day period, is earning a simple ten thousand a day (10,000) for those of you gaping at the number, here is a really easy way to get ten thousand in a day, even for the most busy schedules:

A Question of Morality by bhfrik

During my many hours of game play, I have at times encountered various hackers and scammers, and usually try to interact with them. Following are various explanations I’ve heard for this behavior, and my response to their justifications.

It’s just a game, its not that important so it shouldn’t bother you too much. This is a common response especially when the subject comes up in Neochat. Yes Neopets is ‘just a game’, and in the overall scheme of life it isn’t important. BUT I’ve placed literally thousands of hours into getting where I am. To have that taken by some cheater would be devastating, just from the time loss alone. Its MY time, not yours, and yes I do care about my time. This ‘its just a game’ doesn’t apply to any game I’ve ever heard of anyway. Say a total stranger purposefully tipped over a chess game you were playing on the street. Your reaction would most likely be to not just shrug and say ‘Oh well, it was just a game’ You’d be upset and with every right.

Disturbing News on Scammers by xxonlyhope

NOTE – Scamming has been prevalent over Neopets since its beginning, and one of the first to emerge, and no doubt one of the best methods of scamming has always employed the use of fake login pages in some form or another. xxonlyhope from the PPT Forum recently went out to do some research on how effective they were and the results were surprising. Many people fell for the login pages, even after all the extensive warnings on Neopets to always check the browser address at every login page. Without further ado, a report of the research and test is as follows.