Pterattack Weapons by Mai Mai

Interesting Fact

One thing me and my friend have noticed during our obsession over pterattack was that the grarrl only comes up every time yoyou hear that “muahahahaha” on your speakers. It always comes 1 to 5 seconds after the “muahahahaha”. So every time you hear that evil laugh, move to the middle of the screen until you seee the grarrl and move AWAY from it.

Guns and Upgrades

If you are a beginner:

– don’t get every circle thing (gun upgrades) you see. Every time you get a different color circle, you start on the lowest level of that gun. always stick to one color of circle things.

Pterattack Guide by vixen maree rivers

Pterattack is a game found either in tyrannia or the games room, you have the option of difficulty levels- easy, medium or hard for beginners I would recommend the easy level. In pterattack their is to sides to the area in which your ptera can fly you will notice that their are fuzzy bit along the side these will hurt you E.g. take one of your lives (monitored on the bar on the right side of the screen their are four pteras each time you die one of the birds vanish till you have a black bar I you die after this it’s game over.

350,000 Neopoints in Two Weeks: Neopets’ Games by GuntherMcBadass

All over the Internet and Pink Poogle Toy there are guides about getting rich quick. They constantly tell people to play the stock market, sell expensive items (where are they getting these items!?), reselling common items, and all this jazz that takes way too much work.

I’ve been playing Neopets since year three, though I took a seven year break and recently started up again, and I’ve noticed that the guides have never really changed. I was always substantially wealthy, though I never played for more than an hour or two a day and many neofriends and guild mates wondered profusely of my “techniques”. In all honesty, I just played games. They were the reason I joined in the beginning and they are the reason I joined again now.

22,000 Neopoints in 1 Day by teh_pwnerner

This guide will help you earn about 22k in just one day. This is all through flash games, but in the end, you can do a few other things to earn extra cash.

I don’t like to type much, so this won’t be very long (I hope).

Game 1: Attack of the Revenge; Minimum Score: 800

The score may seem a bit tough at first, but if you try a few times, getting even 1000+ points is a piece of cake.

(Ratio 1:1) 800 x 3 = 2400
SO FAR:2,400 NP

Game 2: Ice Cream Machine; Minimum Score: 8000

Again, may seem hard, but you’ll get it. Usually this will get you to the Double Chocolate level. Remember the cheat to get you an extra life: strawberryvanillachocolate.