Extreme Potato Counter Guide by LilPearlAngel

Here we have Extreme Potato Counter, which I’m guessing is really just an improved flash/shockwave/whatever-they’re-using-these-days version of ‘Potato Counter’ which is one of those Medievil games from Meridell.. Basically, on Potato Counter, slowly (or fast, depending on whether you’re using my comp or not) a number of pictures of potatoes (or what is supposed to be potatoes) will pop up on your screen and a yellow Kacheek (apparently called ‘Alton Moughbry’) will ask you ‘How many potatoes do I have??’ and you have to sit there counting the potatoes, then type in the number and click guess as fast as you can.. Hopefully gaining some NP. Not very much though, but then I don’t know, I guess it depends on how fast you can count.. Which is about 0.25 mph for me.. but according to Alton over here, I counted 58 potatoes correctly in 44 seconds, which means I win 30 NP! Oh the joy of having 30 NP! Ok so anyway… to Extreme Potato Counter, founded in February 2003 by PPT, and after much suspense to play the new game (waiting for the link to work), we were given a brief game guide of ‘just count the big brown pebbles while they are flying to the air and spinning’. So here is a more detailed guide to hopefully help you.

Extreme Potato Counter Guide by trumpet123dude

This is my guide for the awesome game called Extreme Potato Counter. Potatoes will fly across your screen in every direction, and you need to count them while they move! Now, even looking at the name can intimidate a player. I mean, its EXTREME Potato Counter, not just the normal, run-of-the-mill Potato Counter. This game is controlled by an extreme Wocky sporting a Mohawk, sunglasses and, you guessed it, a potato sack (I hear its all the rage in Meridell, Im not much of a fan though, that stuff itches!).

Now you may think, This game sounds a little too extreme for me, and I dont think I will be able to reach avatar/trophy level for it *cough* Well you may very well be right! Just kidding, anyone can excel at the game; all you need is to work up good eye-(mind?) coordination, get a lot of practice, and have good estimating skills. I dove into this game hoping for an easy trophy and found it took more work than I thought.

Extreme Potato Counter Tip

Don’t focus too hard on the potatoes

I have found that if you practice just enough, you can focus yours eyes on one spot and use your peripheral vision to catch most all the potatoes. – cnunger

Potato counts in the first two levels

In the first level, the potato count is NEVER greater then 10. In the second level, the potato count is NEVER greater then 20 (although, I never get more then 15). Hope it helps! – vmpyrbg1

Extreme Potato Counter Guide by ikelarso121

Extreme Potatoe Counter (EPC) is an easy game that doesn’t require much skill, talent, experience, wit etc. All you need is a quick counting brain.


One thing that is good to do is keep the color of the potatoes in your head, because around level 3-4 other types of vegetables will start appearing. Another thing I find helpful is to keep your eyes in the middle of the screen. This way you can tell if a potato just appeared from somewhere or if it came from some were else and you just saw it as it passed. The other reason I do this is to be able to see everywhere on the screen.

Extreme Potato Counter Guide by berrichipmunk

The game may seem kind of pointless and cute, but it can quickly get gruesome if you’re not paying attention. Since there’s no real strategy outside of having to keep track of flying brown objects, I’ve found several methods work for achieving a respectable score:

1. Turn off any kind of outside noise, such as listening to music or the TV. Turning off your speakers might help too, if the noise from the game itself becomes distracting.

2. It sometimes helps to count potatoes using your mouse pointer. Pay attention, and don’t focus on any new spuds that may appear for too long. Some like to clip the screen and vanish quickly, so try to keep some distance from the monitor and relax your eyes in order to focus on the whole playing field. Don’t worry about blurry vision, since you’re only counting spinning brown things.