The Pink Poogle Toy Show 13: Neopets’ Eighth Year Edition

Adex, Gwen, John and Kym reunite to bring you all the latest in Neopets starting with the biggest controversies of the past few weeks to predictions about what will happen for the eighth year of Neopets. Will Neopets revive to be the almighty powerhouse it could be or will it succumb to the quick dollar?

The Pink Poogle Toy Show 12: Quiz Edition

Marcus, Kym, Eileen, Dan and Emma test their Neopets knowledge in the episode that features the first ever Neopets-related quiz! You’ll be surprised at who actually wins! (And who gets unfairly penalized.) We also debate which is better out of Gormball, Zurroball and Frumball, and consider the Neopets Inc. management change.

The Pink Poogle Toy Show 14: The Jeopardy Edition

John, Adex, Eileen and newcomers Nolan and Jaye host the Jeopardy edition. Centered around the popular Jeopardy TV show, this episode brings a new twist to Neopets quizzes, forcing each contestant to respond to each question in question form. Also covered are discussions about avatars and the PPT collage.