Petpetsitter Guide by shygirl79uk


Coffee (lots of it), unplug the phone and allow yourself a few hours to spend on this game.


This game is extremely annoying and can get very tedious at times, but it is very simple to play and as long as you have the patience (and time) you can easily earn yourself a shiny new trophy.

First off, prepare yourself to sit in front of your computer for about 3 hours (no that is not a typo, i did say 3 hours!) because this game is so easy and there is no “winning” involved the scores on the high-score table are ridiculously high.



Turmaculus Explained

What is the Turmaculus? “Legends speak of a petpet a who had a gigantic appetite. As he ate, he grew, and as he grew, he ate… until one day this colossal petpet could not move any more. The Turmaculus can be found in the land of Meridell, sleeping nearly 24 hours a day. If you can wake him up, chances are he may be able to help you with an item, or a healing spell… just don’t catch him in a bad mood (we weren’t kidding about his appetite!)”

In all regards, the Turmaculus is the meridell equivalent of Snow Valley’s Snowager. The difference? The snowager wakes up at certain times whilst the times in which the Turmaculus wakes up is randomized on a daily basis. However, the prizes and rewards the Turmaculus gives out to the user are considerably higher valued than what can be obtained through the Snowager.

Petpet Cannonball Tips

Press and hold the spacebar

Get the first petpet in and press spacebar for the rest of the game. It will say game over when you get around 700 – 800 points, a great way to earn some extra neopoints! – mitchell

Go for the petpets that score more

The heavier petpets, like the pirate Snowbunny and the Angelpuss score more points than the lighter petpets, the Buzzer and the Slorg. So when you get a Slorg or Buzzer, miss with those, and when you get a heavy petpet shoot that in. Here’s all the petpets’ weights:

Buzzer: 0.8kg (10points)
Slorg: 0.9kg (11 points)