Section 1: Extremely Obvious Scams:
I. Fake Login Pages
II. NeoMail Scams
III. Shop Scams
IV. Item Scams
V. Password Scams
VI. Staff Impersonators
VII. Program Scams
Section 2: Scary Scams
II. Cookie Grabbers
III. Creepy Shop Scams (different)
IV. The site is crashing!
V. You have been caught by the Neopets Team
Section 3: Extremely Fake Scams
I. Ooh, you little cheat you have been reported to the Neopets Team.
Section 1: Extremely Obvious Scams
Fake Login Pages:
This is probably the oldest scam there is and it’s totally obvious. Say you want to log in to Neopets. And then you go to the login page. If the URL isn’t ITS FAKE! If you would like to see an example of a fake login page, go to Sometimes, after you enter your info and your account is bye-bye, you’ll see a message such as this, HAHAHAH I SCAMMED YOU! I say it’s extremely hilarious but I don’t want it to happen to me. ;D